[Action|Open] Backdated to late evening
11 April 2010 at 10:15 pm
[Johnny is in the arcade and completely lost though he's trying very hard to hide it. He has no idea what he's doing, but he wanted Cherry somewhere open and easy to get out of. Barry may be chained up, but Rayflo doesn't trust restraints he didn't have a hand in himself.

He showed up early thinking he could figure out at least one of the games before Cherry arrived...and then kick his ass in it. Instead he's just...very confused. Come laugh at the vampire who's way too old for this.]
Location: Arcade / Evening
[ video ][ backdated to about 5pm ]
10 April 2010 at 11:37 am
[ Here's a video of the park, Marina! It's sort of shaky before a redhead with an eyepatch and a uniform like the other Exorcists steps into view. He grins and is holding something small between his fingers, twirling it. ]

Hey, prison buddies.

Who wants t'see something awesome?

((ooc: have to run out! will tag back once I am stuffed full of takoyaki and taiyaki. 83))
[ voice | action ]
07 April 2010 at 06:24 pm
No way, you've got it all wrong! There's no way a guy like me's suited for jail life. This fragile mind, this youthful body, by sentencing me here you've guaranteed the loss of my wide-eyed innocence, tearing away the one joy many young girls had been anxiously waiting for since I hit puberty!

Please, Oh Great Prison Robot of the Future, grant me sweet freedom!!

[ Those in the area will take note that their newest resident is appealing his case to a trash bot. ]