I return!
11 June 2012 at 01:25 pm
Alice here, letting you all know that I return from that long hiatus I went on a while back! It feels like it's been forever, haha.

I can't wait to get back into things! So with that said I'll be tagging around with Tsuna ([info]27skyflames) and Doll ([info]circusprincess) again now! :)

11 June 2012 at 10:01 am
Eri here! I know I've been spotty overall, so I'm going to declare a blackout hiatus to try to get out of whatever my funk is! Hopefully a short one, I'm shooting for about two weeks (6/11-6/24), but let's hope one will do. Kaylee Frye ([info]mechanic) and Faith Lehane ([info]might), will be on autopilot, with godmodding ability to canonmates!

I'll only be reachable via email (zombitard@gmail) if I need to pay attention to anything!
[ Bah, Mondays! ]
11 June 2012 at 07:51 am
Hey game! It's pleasant chatty-time hour, with your friends, the Marinarans!

Monday Free-for-all!

This is a meme post where you are welcome to frolic and play amongst yourselves. You may talk about RL, link news articles you liked, post pictures of whatever, have mini-memes, pose questions, be dorky, etc! You can respond as yourself, or as your character ICly if you're so inclined.

Example topics that are all completely awesome:

  • In this thread: Pictures of our pets!

  • Marina Yearbook thread!

  • Who would win in a fight...?

  • Guys check out this video of a leopard on catnip.

  • IC discussion thread: Which inmate should be the next warden?

Links you may find helpful:
Marina Calendar * Marina Wiki * Marina's Defense Force

Have fun!
10 June 2012 at 04:48 am
Same song, different verse, right?

You know I'll always love you guys, and I gave this a good hard try, but sometimes things just weren't meant to be anymore.

So I'm heading out again. I'm at laverinth on plurk if anyone wants to keep up with me.

Keep on being lovely.

- Lauren
08 June 2012 at 01:53 am
Hey guys, while I've enjoyed the threads that I've done here and this game has a great player base, Supey unfortunately didn't click the way I'd been hoping he would. I wasn't terribly active with him this month and while I was contemplating giving it another month, I don't want to coast by with him either. I'll probably be back at another point with a character who will click better with the setting.

Thanks for everything and take care!

06 June 2012 at 11:00 pm
At last I return from afar! I spent the night catching up on tags when IJ would allow me and as far as I can recall where I owed them. If there's a thread where I owe you a tag and you haven't gotten one in the last day, please feel free to link me! Otherwise I am considering myself up to date. /o/

I feel especially bad for missing newbie week, sob. If you intro'd this week and you want a tag from one of my kids, say the word and I will be more than glad! I may late-tag some newb posts from this week yet...

For reference, my hella-big list of muses that are de-hiatused as of now:
Lacus Clyne ♬ Gundam SEED ♬ [info]fields_of_hope
Zelgadis Greywars ⚒ Slayers ⚒ [info]_incurable
Cross Marian ♱ D.Gray-Man ♱ [info]rack_em_up
Komui Lee ☢ D.Gray-Man ☢ [info]komurin
Saya Otonashi ♛ Blood+ ♛ [info]crimson_blade
Conrad Weller ♞ Kyou Kara Maou ♞ [info]edgeofsalvation
Anew Returner ✿ Gundam 00 ✿ [info]lodestar
Penelope Garcia ☎ Criminal Minds ☎ [info]unmitigated

Glad to be back <3
+1 mecha pilot princess with long lost twin brother
06 June 2012 at 06:04 pm
Hello, Marina~ I'm Babs, and I'll be bringing in Cagalli Yula Athha from Gundam SEED. She'll be arriving after the train wreck of a sequel, so things are all over for the time being. For those that don't know, she's a friend of Lacus as well as Kira's twin sister. It's a long story...

As for me, I was actually here before, around the end of last summer with Ranka, so if anyone remembers me, great! If not, it's nice to meet you all. :) I can be reached at plurk or on AIM at Kouzuki. I look forward to playing with you all.

Aaand as a last side note, I'm having trouble requesting access to the IC Comm. When I try, I get this: [Error: LJ::Event::CommuinityJoinRequest passed bogus u object: marinasylum @ brain.insanewebhosting.com] Any ideas? Got it. :|b
Con Hiatus time!
06 June 2012 at 12:54 pm
Once again, the time has come where I venture yonder to the land of Jersey for a weekend of geeky shenanigans and all kinds of trouble causing. I was goin to wait until I actually left, but I have a few last minute cosplay touchups and RL obligations to attend to in the meanwhile.

So this is basically an Atus of some kind from now until Monday. What kind? Who knows? I'll probably still get to a few tags when I have some downtime, or I could end up disappearing from the internet entirely (...yeah, maybe not *entirely*). Though, if you need me for tags or anything in the meanwhile, you can always PM or ping me on Plurk.

Affects Zatanna here.

(PS - On the off chance that you also happen to be attending ANext, I'll be Black Canary Friday evening and YJ!Zatanna on Saturday. Come find me!)
04 June 2012 at 04:48 pm
I just graduated highschool yesterday, and since graduation senior week was a horrible time for me and now with a bunch of college orientation things coming up and family vacations and such, it'd be best if I take a formal hiatus until the end of June

I apologize!
This affects:
  • Legion
  • AR
04 June 2012 at 01:52 pm
Hi there! My name is Galen, and I'm bringing you A SPAAAAAAAAAACE EEEEEEEEEEELF Thirianna, a character from Warhammer 40K canon. She's an Eldar, meaning that she's graceful, beautiful, and kiiiiiinda space racist.

She's also kinda psychic and can see/manipulate the future to a certain extent (obviously, this has been nerfed a good deal).

...anyhow yeah. I'm not all that great with intro posts, OOC or otherwise.

Hit me up on plurk at Gaeth or on AIM at ThanatosGear if you wanna chat!
04 June 2012 at 12:35 pm
Helllllo Marina!

I'm Laura and I'm brand new to the game! I am bringing in this lovely Miss Mystic Falls, cheerleader, third grade hopscotch champion, overachiever, mean girl -- sometimes, party girl, lady/vampire named Caroline Forbes and she's from the Vampire Diaries! She's from 3x11 just after Klaus's little visit.

She's got all the normal vampire things, need for blood, crazy speed and hearing and strength, and compulsion. But her ability to "compel" will be weakened and depend on the individual willpower of the character she tries to use it on. So people with strong will power will be able resist it! Anyways, she won't be using it much and I'll always get permission! Her regeneration will also be slowed down, and her other abilities will tire her out very quickly.

I'm excited for the game and if you'd like to reach me, hit me up on AIM with msLmcool
[ Bah, Mondays! ]
04 June 2012 at 01:21 pm
Hey game! It's pleasant chatty-time hour, with your friends, the Marinarans!

Monday Free-for-all!

This is a meme post where you are welcome to frolic and play amongst yourselves. You may talk about RL, link news articles you liked, post pictures of whatever, have mini-memes, pose questions, be dorky, etc! You can respond as yourself, or as your character ICly if you're so inclined.

Example topics that are all completely awesome:

  • In this thread: Pictures of our pets!

  • Marina Yearbook thread!

  • Who would win in a fight...?

  • Guys check out this video of a leopard on catnip.

  • IC discussion thread: Which inmate should be the next warden?

Links you may find helpful:
Marina Calendar * Marina Wiki * Marina's Defense Force

Have fun!
hello glad to be here yes
03 June 2012 at 10:56 pm
hello my name is nick this is my first time popping into marina but ive got about a thousand irl friends playing here so i am joining on so we can all be Nerdy Babies together it's a little weird

this is birdman from the terrible 1999 game galerians he is one of cain's older brothers that you may have heard him talking about
he is kind of an irredeemable monster so i am looking forward to lots of negative cr with yall if that's anyone's thing lol

he can do that stupid psychic journal-hacking thing that cain can do too so i have a permissions post up for that if anyone wants to opt in or opt out or what have you

also ive got an rp plurk set up over here if anyone is interested wow

ok let's get to it yes ♥
Wild LUCCA appears!
03 June 2012 at 07:49 pm
Hey, Marina! Okay, so - the name's Kari ("she" pronouns preferred), and AS IT TURNS OUT I used to play here waaaay back in the day! (In fact, I played back on Inksome, hehe.) If anyone here remembers me, I was the player of Shirley Fenette, Nina Einstein, and Battler Ushiromiya*. It's great to be back in the game!

Anyhow, I'm dragging in one Lucca Ashtear of Chrono Trigger fame! She's a seventeen-year-old genius inventor with glasses and a love for inanimate objects, much like the last genius I played here (what, over two years ago now?). However, Lucca's just a wee bit different than Nina: she's much more attached to her friends, and rather than nuclear weaponry she prefers guns to get her hands dirty. There's also the part where she likes guys too and does not crush on the princess of her party and is also a black mage that travels through time, but eh, details.

I love plot, fluff, dark stuff, and pretty much anything else you can imagine! If you ever want to get in contact with me, I can be found at karijou @ plurk and derpy angel @ AIM. Feel free to contact or add me, anyone who'd like to!

And with that, I'm handing the laptop back to the significant other. See you around soon, Marina - my first post might be delayed due to a family trip, but otherwise I'll be introing Lucca come tomorrow!

*Under a different name. It's not a wank-related reason, or a sockpuppet or anything like that - it's just a long, kind of personal, kind of TMI story.
hello is this dominos pizza?? no????
03 June 2012 at 10:30 pm
hello marina

i am liz but you can call me whatever you want since its pretty much guaranteed you already know 200 thousand people named liz already ヾ(*´ー`)ノ

to all of you lovely people i am bringing izaya orihara, of durarararararararara (???), who... i really dont have much to say about besides the fact that hes a pretty close contender for "worst person of the century". mostly because he dresses like an eskimo in the middle of summer but also i guess for all the manipulating and lying and general Rude Dude behavior. hes probably not someone you want to invite to your birthday party or generally be friends with at all

anyway feel free to add me on plurk @ sanderson or catch me on aim @ ownednerdheh if you want to plot/chat/be friends/call me names/etc

cant wait to play with yall ;)

(is there an award for "most boring and uninspiring intro ever" because i think i just won)
04 June 2012 at 09:07 am
Indecent Exposure )

Hello there, people of Marina!

Fresh player here! I am so excited to be here! ☆ミ(o*・ω・)ノ

My name is MiChi and I play everyone's 'Universal Bunny' and 'Galactic Fairy' --- SHERYL NOME from the show where IDOL SINGERS SAVE THE DAY, Macross Frontier! She is a beautiful, smart and talented idol and the worse thing about it is that she is perfectly aware of it ...

... so be careful around her or else she will drag you into trouble with her. Especially when she is in the mood to look for a little excitement. She likes to tease and troll people for enjoyment and doesn't like to lose.

Prepare your eardrums and hold on tighter to your sanity!

Come be her friend! You know you want to! 。*:★(´・ω・人・ω・`)。:゜★。

If you ever need to need me, you can find me always in my Plurk OR my Dreamwidth OR AIM: misachancute. I love plotting, so feel free to poke me any time!
...... let's try this ag...ain...
03 June 2012 at 08:55 pm
okay now after adequately embarassing myself by posting this up all sorts of wrong:

hellooo! oh man, hi. i'm jess and i'll be playing ~atton rand~ as the first to hopefully a couple more cool inmates here at marina! this is sort of my first official game and i'm nervous but excited and aaaaaaa!

atton's sliding in here with your broody scoundrel type of personality-- not quite on the ultimate douche tier but hovering close to it on more than one occasion in his canon. thiiiink han solo attitude with the snark and flippant remarks and the "okay princess" sort of comments as he rolls his eyes and slices into this computer system for you, but!!! with tons and tons more trust issues ( amongst other ones ) and a really gross past that he really never wants to talk about ever.

..... i-- i swear he's usually a really nice guy most of the time. and funny, or at least he thinks he is.

he's sort of coming in at a weird time in his life where he's shoved into helping move along some weird exile's ~*destiny*~ to save the force and after being thrown in some sort of cell at least more than five times at this point, he'll probably make some sort of whiny remark about why all the damn PRISONS.....

ummm. oh! feel free to contact me over plurk ( termina ) through private plurks or just jumping into one of my currently active ones, or you can message me over tumblr ( termina, again yeah ) or on this journal and i'll respond to you as quickly as possible! i'm also going to be posting up the most of his profile, some headcanons, and an hmd really soon!

.... yeah! i think that's it. ♥!! sorry again... for the earlier mix-up.

OH DELAYED P.S.: i have a really bad habit of ficcing and fsting things and relationships and stuff like that so just..... a .... heads up.... in advance yeah
...and now you're all deaf.
03 June 2012 at 07:36 pm
Salutations, Marina!

Name's Rieka and I am grade A freshmeat! Brought to you chiefly because of one Wolfram-mun, aka, Aka, who provided all the enabling necessary to join your awesome game.

I bring you Superbi Squalo from that quirky manga/anime about babies and rainbow-colored-everything and pokemon in boxes, Katekyo Hitman Reborn. Squalo is a loud, petty, loud, arrogant, loud, violent, loud, bossy, loud, impertinent, loud, petulant, loud, petty, loud, mocking, loud, Italian assassin that's generally known to have two functional settings: violently loud and loudly violent. And yet somehow he's a sociable creature that sometimes almost makes people like him. Kind of. Trainwreck Syndrome is pretty much the same as liking someone, right?

To put it bluntly, there will be loud VOOOII in your life from now on.

There is no escaping it.

You can find the main meat of his app in his journal, along with an always open HMD, and I can be reached through plurk @ riekadevolka and via AIM @ notavodkashot.

Feel free to poke me if you want to plot stuff or just to chat. A word of fair warning, though, I'm wrapping up finals til Wednesday, but from then on, it's all fair game! I'm really excited to play here, and I hope to have a good time playing with you all.
[ Current Player Intro Post! ]
03 June 2012 at 06:35 pm
Apps are now closed!

We've been reviewing the apps and will shortly get out comments to each apper! Once you've been accepted, our current players will post here to introduce their new characters! Tell us:

  • Who you are

  • Who you play and who you apped

  • Maybe a little of what they're like

  • How we can contact you

  • Anything else you think is important!

Then other people will comment to be enthusiastic. ♥ New players can also post here if they're more comfortable with it. Everyone will be let into the IC community Monday after the daypost.
[ Activity : May ]
01 June 2012 at 12:19 pm
[Activity : May]

Please find the activity check rules here.
Viable posts take place within May.

1. Activity check!
Comment here with one of these filled out for every character you play. Make sure to fill out every field, and replace the + links with three passing activity threads.

All players who were in the game in May must respond to the activity check, unless you are on total hiatus for the week of the AC.

2. How's my driving?
Respond to other people's comments! You don't have to know someone's canon to give them valuable feedback. Anon comments are enabled, IP addresses are not tracked.

Everyone is required to be open to concrit to play here! It's better to say something than to sit in silence, and the mods can't help you if you never tried to fix things.

3. Have fun!