[ Activity : May ]
01 June 2012 at 12:19 pm
Marina Asylum Mods
[Activity : May]

Please find the activity check rules here.
Viable posts take place within May.

1. Activity check!
Comment here with one of these filled out for every character you play. Make sure to fill out every field, and replace the + links with three passing activity threads.

All players who were in the game in May must respond to the activity check, unless you are on total hiatus for the week of the AC.

2. How's my driving?
Respond to other people's comments! You don't have to know someone's canon to give them valuable feedback. Anon comments are enabled, IP addresses are not tracked.

Everyone is required to be open to concrit to play here! It's better to say something than to sit in silence, and the mods can't help you if you never tried to fix things.

3. Have fun!