04 April 2012 at 02:11 am
So I'm headed out of state for a bit as of tomorrow, and my internet access will be either limited or non-existent, so I figured it'd be best to call a hiatus. I'll be gone probably a little more than a week, and I'll be more than happy to backtag when I return!

This effects Ciel ([info]pactum) and Soubi ([info]fighter). See you soon, Marina!
04 April 2012 at 04:14 pm
Sasha (Athena)
This is just something I need to do as I feel creative juices scraping the bottom of the barrel, and my confidence level is at an all-time low.

This affects my little army, and while I'm away, they'll be engaged in:

  • Sasha / this journal : weaving projects; godmode rights go to housemates Touma Kamijou and Gemini Kanon.
  • Gabriel / [info]lokiwhoshere : his usual and keeping himself busy;
  • Kohran Li / [info]koubu_mama : tinkering at the Workshop as per usual;
  • Ryo Sanada / [info]heartofwildfire : attending whatever classes there are left and doing his DF patrol duties; and
  • Reki / [info]cast_a_pebble : working on her second (and maybe third) painting project.

I'll wrap up threads from March and still do my best to get people a.c.-length threads if needed. This can go as long as two weeks or at most, the entire month of April. In the case you really need my kids for something, feel free to get in touch with me; I'm on plurk, and contact posts and details are in each characters' respective journals.

I'll be back soon (because y'all probably know by now, hiatuses and I don't get along very well most of the time |D;; )~

~ AC