06 March 2012 at 02:36 pm
If I do this really fast, it hurts less, right?

Dropping Castiel [info]thursdays and Tommy Shepherd [info]destabilize. I've been thinking about this for a while because my RP motivation was on the really low side. And then I did a smart thing and took on way too much in RL so my online activity is suffering too.

I love you Marina and I love all you beautiful people. If RL loosens up and my RP drive returns, I will definitely try to app back in. For now it's good-bye and thank you all for the fun times. (':

Take care of Salty, boys. >:[
06 March 2012 at 10:53 pm
Hi Marina! I posted in the new-character-accepted thread or whathaveyou, but, I guess here's my 'official intro'! (which you'll see I'm really bad at)

I'm Brandie and I'm new here to Marina- and bringing in the beloved (hah) marionettenspieler Dietrich von Lohengrin of Trinity Blood. And I would appreciate it if any fans of this series get all belligerent and crazy because I am slightly nervous that people will be like who cares about that! Hah hah...

Well! He's friendly enough (or is he) and is pretty lovable sociable 8) Same goes for his player! I tend to rant and get sort of butterfly flutters about new situations but hey! I'm on aim at volginpwnzj00 if you need me, and I'm pinkrain over at Plurk if you want or should need me.

That's me ToT! ♥
First and only.... hiatus
06 March 2012 at 10:55 pm
Yo guys, Bill here, putting Ibram Gaunt journal name http://diebypowersword.insanejournal.com/
all up on the hiatus, mostly due to RL being brutal to me at the moment. I intend to be on hiatus for the duration of March but if my RL improves a bit situation-wise I shall probably break it and bust in early.

I'm not going anywhere permanently, I just need to sort out work stuff, and some stress-stuff. On the plus side I'm doing some canon review for gaunt which will be very relaxing (WEll, if stories of massive battles with insane casualties and dudes getting exploded by boltguns can be said to be relaxing.)

Keep in contact though! I just can't manage tagging atm but I've had a blast here with you all and will continue to do so. Someday Grimdark house will get built, and the poor trolls will not be allowed in, except for Eridan.