an extremely unofficial de-hiatus sort of post.
11 January 2012 at 12:09 am
Yuri Lowell
Hey, all! Remember me?

So, I tagged things on Tuesday and then got really sick with the most awful cold and I was just kind of out from then until now. Even though it's MIDNIGHT, I'm tagging posts I missed in the meantime.

I'm trying not to ATTACK too many people with incredibly old tags, so tell me if you want one of my kids somewhere. c: And feel free to ignore my late tags. :c I'll still love you all.

Affects Yuri ([info]trueknight), Suzaku ([info]black_as_knight), Jade ([info]absentmorally), and Kanda ([info]lotuscurse).
11 January 2012 at 03:43 am
So apparently I am just really terrible at keeping a second character.

I am unfortunately dropping Azula ([info]incinerating) from Avatar the Last Airbender :( Thank you EVERYONE who played with her, and I am VERY, VERY SORRY I dropped the ball on tags the last two posts. I really appreciate everyone's efforts to tag me! I promise I am not always that hideous of a thread-dropper.

I'd planned to actually have her going slowly into the Land of Psycho, but due to some shift in plans, I had to speed things up a little - just to clarify to those who didn't understand where her last post came from lmao. I realize it must have come out of nowhere...

But Kallen here is still around, and I hope to break this curse of Single Characterdom and bring someone else in next month!

As always, I'm reachable on plurk (mourir), AIM (mouririci), and gmail (divinify) if anyone wanted to just talk or plot or anything :)
11 January 2012 at 02:19 pm
Hey there Marina!
I'm off to a late start, sorry about that~
I'm Tabris, and I'll be bringing in Vriska Serket from Homestuck. She's a bluh bluh huge bitch, a pretty manipulative one at that, too.

I'm pretty new to Insanejournal and this will be my first game on the site, so I hope I enjoy it with you all.

If you need to contact me/plot with me my plurk is misstabris, AIM is fkinthecoffee, and skype is!
Character Hiatus
11 January 2012 at 09:33 pm
Basically I have no idea what I'm doing with Kida and I think I need some time to figure that out. So yes. He will be going on hiatus and not tagging around unless someone really wants him for something. This does not affect Tamaki who will still be active. I'm just too lazy to sign out of his journal.