12 October 2011 at 02:06 pm
So I have been struggling a lot with this dude lately, so I think I need to hiatus him for at least the rest of the month. I'm still really not sure about how well I am doing with him and trying to meet AC has just been stress I don't care to deal with in my life. Hopefully some canon review and stalking other players will help.

Also, if ANYONE has crit for me on Hazama, please please PLEASE post it in the HMD in his journal, or on the activity check. It would really help me. Any crit - good, bad, or downright ugly. I know a few of you said you knew Blazblue, so really, I would love you forever.

This only effects Hazama [info]trollzama. Fuuma will still be derping around as always.
12 October 2011 at 05:24 pm
Gabriel (aka. The Trickster, Loki)
Sign-ups have come to an end, and now is the time for the reveal of those who are going to wake up together!

Now, while this table says where they will be waking up, these are suggestions, and you can still choose whether A ended up in B's bed or vice versa. So without further ado~


Use this post for your plotting/flailling/rolling around purposes!

Before I go, I would like to draw your attention to THIS THREAD, as this is where I have fielded some questions and concerns during the course of the sign-up. This is also where you can ask more questions, raise more concerns, etc!

Current Topics:

Slowatus Time
12 October 2011 at 10:33 pm
Nunnally vi Britannia
Long story short, the technician taking a look at my computer managed to break my screen and leave me pretty much computerless, so apologies for poofing without warning. It's mostly fixed now, so I am tentatively coming off official hiatus onto slowatus to be safe. If we had any threads going and you'd like to continue them, please let me know!