25 October 2010 at 12:18 am
I know I said I was going to come off of my unannounced hiatus this weekend, but when I tried to do so...I realized it was really just time for me to drop. I don't have any inspiration to play Wonka anymore, so even though I had a few plans for him...I think I'm going to just have to let him go. I failed the last AC, and even though I wanted to do better this month, I think I've probably done worse. So it isn't really fair of me to sit and fail over and over, especially when I don't even really feel like playing my character anymore.

I probably won't be leaving Marina completely though. I don't think I'll be apping anyone this month, but in November's apping period, I probably will. A break from it all is just what I need, I think, to get reinspired and to give me time to do an application. And to finally decide who I want.

So...if there's anyone who would like me to finish a thread I have with them, go ahead and comment here and tell me and I'll finish it. <3
[ Bah, Mondays! ]
25 October 2010 at 02:22 pm
Marina Asylum Mods
Hey game! Mondays suck, amirite? Daypost isn't going up for a couple of hours, but in the meantime, a...

Monday Free-for-all!

This is a meme post where you are welcome to frolic and play amongst yourselves. You may talk about RL, link news articles you liked, post pictures of whatever, have mini-memes, pose questions, be dorky, etc! You can respond as yourself, or as your character ICly if you're so inclined.

Example topics that are all completely awesome:

  • In this thread: Pictures of our pets!

  • Marina Yearbook thread!

  • Who would win in a fight...?

  • Guys check out this video of a leopard on catnip.

  • IC discussion thread: Which inmate should be the next warden?

Have fun!
[ Event: Darkness, Rain, Monsters : Special Round ]
25 October 2010 at 07:44 pm
Marina Asylum Mods
You will be awoken by a siren. It sounds off three times, each long, and seems to fill the air. At the end of the third siren, Marina will be plunged into darkness.

Find a flashlight; you'll want to see what's happening around you, as reality peels away to reveal something much, much darker. The floor beneath your feet will be replaced by metal grating that makes your footsteps echo. The walls around you will become more of the same, or sometimes disappear altogether. And if you go poking around too much, you might find -- some very disturbing "artwork" strung up where a door or a window used to be: a skinned corpse, pinned in place by barbed wire, bloody and battered beyond all hope of recognition.

Did we mention, by the way, that all of this will be happening right in your very own home? Oh, yes. The effects extend indoors today.

Outside, it's raining again. There are still the occasional gaping chasm, where the grating has twisted broken apart. And as the day wears on, the monsters that roam Marina's streets will become more numerous -- and more aggressive. They still won't follow you inside, but that doesn't mean they won't bang on your doors and rattle your windows when you give them the slip.

NOTE: Everything in this post only applies to your character if they have "darkness" in their hearts. This is not necessarily a literal darkness, but characters who are bad people, e.g. evil or psychopathic, do automatically qualify. Any character who has ever experienced something violent that haunted them -- whether or not it is their fault, whether or not the situation was later corrected, whether or not they remember it -- also qualifies. However, a deeply good character who is also from a school drama and thus has little experience with violence or trauma might see nothing at all.

There is a little wiggle room, though, if you really want your character to see monsters, and a character with more darkness in his or her heart can (optionally) experience more drastic effects.

If you're still not sure whether this describes your character, other players have asked more specifically about their own characters in the comments on the previous post, and you can do the same here.

Again: this is not like the previous incident, there will be no blackout for characters who don't experience the other effects.

Timeline for the Halloween Event )

Tonight's forecast calls for: LIZARDS, AGORAPHOBIAS, and THE WATCHER )

Enjoy the music.