23 October 2010 at 01:48 pm
♣ Himawari  Kunogi
Breaking hiatus two days early! This means that Asuka, Himawari, Zelman, and Link are 'back'. I'll be backtagging furiously with Link so everyone else will be chilling in their respective stuff.
Back! And... *sobs*
23 October 2010 at 08:07 pm
Suzaku Kururugi
SO. Good news and bad news!

The good news is that I think I'm finally coming off my slowatus. At least, that is the plan. But in order to do that... well, that's where the bad news comes in. I'm going to be dropping Sora and Buffy.

I've really enjoyed playing both of them, even as briefly as Sora was around, and sdjfklsjfs I haaaate doing this when we just got an Angel (;;; Kristiiii) and sjdflskjfskfs DON'T LET THIS AFFECT YOUR RETURN, YAYWON. I also make no promises about staying away: totally possible I will re-app around December or January if we don't already have even more awesome versions of these two kids. But. There's so much I want to be DOING with my other kids and I don't feel like I have the time to really be involved in Marina on the level I want to be.

Hopefully this will help with that.

*hugs eeeeveryone*

Also, Kathrine? I will backtag the date with Rayflo foreeever. And I'll also wanna finish up the thread with Aqua and the Unversed attack, just so she gets some of her questions answered. if there's anything else anyone really wants, let me knoooow