Kissing Meme!
03 September 2010 at 12:27 am
Euphemia li Britannia

1. Comment with your characters.
2. Other people will demand your kisses (OOCly or, you know, ICly if that's how they roll.)
3. You write (or draw) a sentence or a drabble or a fic that may or may not destroy reality about this kiss. (How they end up kissing. The kiss itself. Moments after the kiss. Your call.)
4. Redeem your points for all sorts of great prizes that don't exist!

Quick links over here for faster loading!!
03 September 2010 at 06:33 am
Sorry, folks. I'm gonna have to drop.

People who have given me concrit lately, please know that you have not chased me away - it's not about that at all. It's mainly what I'm going through right now - I'm in a very, very difficult situation atm, and I feel that maybe it's left me not in the best mindspace to play a game like this. When it's over, I may return with either Rena or Anna. It's hard to say.

I've really loved my time in this game, and I'd like to keep in touch with the people I've met through here. Please feel free to msg me anytime on AIM and check in. I may continue to play in DRs, so if anyone would like to keep up the CR we've built, just let me know. But long-term character maintenance is just too much for me atm.

Love y'all. Thanks for the memories.

- madeline
Mood: sad