[ On Third-Hand Issues ]
10 July 2010 at 06:16 pm
Marina Asylum Mods
1) YOUR MODS DON'T READ ANONYMEMES! You guys, if you have anything to say about the game, especially concrete complaints that something could be done about, you really have to say it to us. As we have said over and over and over, we are completely open to having a dialogue with you. Problems don't get resolved if you sit on them and complain anonymously to one another. We have an anonymous-enabled contact post, and you don't need to be afraid of letting us know what you think or what concerns you. We're totally nice people!

This time, some of your fellow players were kind enough to let us know that there were two items that were bugging people. So they will actually be addressed!


2) The MASS INTRO POST. We know it's kind of uncool and that people get neglected if they're late to it; however, 25-40 new intro posts at the beginning of every month, while the AC is up, is a tremendous flood of intros and it means anything that gets posted during or before the end of the month is completely drowned out.

We're perfectly okay with people making their own intro posts if they get there Monday or Tuesday but it'd be pretty awkward to base a policy on "if you're going to be late..."

One idea was to encourage existing players to intro on the mass intro post, and encourage newbies to make their own posts, but that, while welcoming to new players, feels kind of lame to the existing players. What do you guys think? Any suggestions or opinions?


3) The AC/HMD. If you have constructive criticism for someone, there is absolutely nothing stopping you from giving it on the HMD. We've had secrets and now anonymeme complaining about how unwelcoming to crit we are, which is kind of ridiculous, since hardly anyone has given any!

The HMD is mandatory, not to mention anon-enabled and non-IP-tracking. And it always has been. There is zero excuse for not giving concrit except not trying.

If you think someone is doing it wrong, find a considerate way to say it, and then say it. Maybe they'll learn something! Maybe you'll learn something! But please don't just assume that if some anonymous person on the internet says it, it must be true that we don't accept or provide a welcoming environment for concrit. It's in the rules that you must be willing to accept crit if you play here, and that's not just for show.

So, yes. HMD is mandatory, anon-enabled, doesn't track IPs. If you actually concrit someone where we can see it, and they ignore it, talk to the mods.

So I hope that puts that to an end.

As usual, comments, suggestions, questions, hugs are welcome. ♥