27 June 2010 at 08:40 pm
Hey all,

It's been a good time in the Asylum since October, but I'm struggling to keep consistent activity and fresh ideas moving with these characters, and I'm moving apartments/starting a new job this week. I was considering a hiatus, but it feels like the right time to slide out and say goodbye.

Thank you for great threads and the warm and friendly attitude of players here.

Lain Iwakura | [info]thewired
Demyx | [info]sitarslacker
27 June 2010 at 09:56 pm
Ken Murata
Sorry to add to the drop train, but Murata is leaving. :( Too many dropped threads and wavering activity isn't fair to people who were playing with him.

Lavi, C.C., Chuck and Kamui aren't going anywhere. And I really hope to get back on track with Chuck and Kamui, now that my load is a little lighter. m(_ _)m