end of hiatus
24 June 2010 at 12:27 am
I am back and feeling a lot better! I was given some hardcore antibiotics and now it's like a have a cold. I can manage a cold. Anyway! IM BACK
24 June 2010 at 11:04 pm
Marina Asylum Mods
Congratulations, and welcome to 3.0 of the Marina Asylum Anonymous Kink Meme! Anonymous Kink Meme has evolved to...

Marina Asylum Anonymous Prompt Meme!

Respond here anonymously with a request and someone will anonymously fill it! Try to keep the meme going: If you make a request, try and see if you can fulfill someone else's. It's the circle of anonylove! Anons gave you paid time, so show them your love in this meme!

Be sure to include in your comment the characters or pairings you want involved, a prompt/idea/kink, and any additional information.

Examples include:
Suzaku/anyone, private sex ed lessons.
Roxas, light show.
C.C. and Orihime: the great pirate story. GEN OR KINK UP TO YOU, I JUST WANT PIRATES.

Prompts can be as gen or kinky as you like.
For a list of kinks if you're adventurous, check out this HUGE list.