Slowatus Alert
16 June 2010 at 11:35 am
Tieria Erde
I'm heading off to AnimeNEXT this weekend. Tomorrow, in fact. I'll be back on Monday. I am bringing my laptop with me, however, so I will have internet access... but I'm not sure how much time I'll have. If I don't get the chance to get online, I'll see you all on Monday!

This affects [info]pechesagittaire, [info]devine_braid, [info]kitty_phase, and [info]trial_by_veda.
Mood: busy
Relationship Meme HTML
16 June 2010 at 01:55 pm
Suzaku Kururugi
Want to bandwagon on your relationships meme with some silly pretty HTML? Step right up! (Clever text mostly courtesy of Kay, HTML mostly courtesy of me.)

// friends //
best friends - [above all others]
close friends - [sharing secrets and dreams]
friends - [laughing together]
on good terms - [our silver lining]
friends by association - [a smile passing by]

BONUS: A less mean version of {{ where the heart isn't }} for kinder characters:

worthy of attention - [item of intrigue]
fear - [you bring the night]
envious - [the lonely truths]
skeptical - [nursing private doubt]
discordant - [can't seem to see eye-to-eye]

surface - [easy to mistake for sincerity]
avoidance - [isolate the problem]
dismissal - [passed over like a shadow]

Feel free to add to our categories or adjust them as needed; if you come up with an extra category you really like, link in the comments! :3
16 June 2010 at 02:14 pm
Okay so some of you might remember that I've been hinting at a plot since before I left for Turkey.

The time for the activation of that is now.

WHAT'S BEEN GOING ON: Back when people were falling unconscious, Kefka "helped" Jennifer take Ryu to the hospital. Kefka then cast a curse on Ryu, to be activated later.

WHAT'S GOING ON NOW: Kefka just activated the curse, trapping Ryu in his hybrid form... and enraged.

WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN: Well. Uh. That's pretty simple. :| An enraged dragon-god (half) looking for things (or people) to vent his rage on.

HOW DOES IT GET STOPPED?: ... Knock him the hell out. Protip: There is an inmate here with much infos on him. :V

/runs off to post destruction
Slowatus update - over!
16 June 2010 at 03:31 pm
That's right, I'm fully back (in case you hadn't noticed)! My new meds are sunshine and daisies, and it looks like the old ones were making me physically sick as well as providing no psychological help whatsoever, so I'm feeling better in pretty much every way. No need for hospitalization at all now. Thanks again for all your support, and I love y'all <3

- m

ps: all your happycute icons are belong to me :3
Mood: cheerful
16 June 2010 at 06:14 pm
OK I take back what I wrote earlier, turns out I have pneumonia. And without health insurance I'm kinda stressing out about it, so I'm going to take a hiatus until further notice. I'm sorry.
16 June 2010 at 09:40 pm
Shirley Fenette
I probably should have put this up way earlier but given the fact I have been dropping tags everywhere over the last few days. Between work and my graduation coming up next week, I won't be around too much for about the rest of the month.

This only affects Shirley! This might actually turn into a slowatus but putting this up just in case. If she's needed for something or if there are any threads you want me to continue, just let me know?