15 June 2010 at 06:32 am
Sakura Kinomoto
So I just realized that if I don't want to fail the school year I'll have to stop rping this week. I have the worst will ever, but I'm determined to do this. I'm already regretting that I didn't study last night enough. /sob.

affects: [info]impaledcandles, [info]dutiful_love, [info]five_byfive, [info]screenedmemory, [info]sakurangel, and [info]angrybluething

I'll be back after I'm finished with my final exams! hopefully
More Planning for MGT
15 June 2010 at 03:43 pm
Hey everyone! It's an update on the Marina's Got Talent event!

So, first things first. This is another call for interest, but this time in your comment please name what muses you think might be up for actually being in the competition. This way we can get a head count and put out lists and stuff and make the competition look legit and well run ~ THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT YOU DO THIS: BECAUSE INTEREST WILL DETERMINE IF THIS CAN ACTUALLY HAPPEN. NO INTEREST, NO EVENT, SO WE DEFINITELY NEED A ROUGH HEAD COUNT!!! Remember, you can adjust your muse choice if you need to when the more official call for competitors goes out (when Ashura himself calls for entries in the comm). And don't worry if you miss this sign up, there will be another one and a link from Ashura's post (if this plot moves forward).

Second! JUDGES. Yup, this event will be having judges - those oh so wonderful people that get to make comments about everyone's performance and sway the populace's heart! So far, judges are as follows:

- The Fair and Nice Judge (aka the Randy Jackson): Takami
- The Mean Judge (aka the Simon Cowell): Scar
- The Nice One (aka the Ellen/Paula):
- nominee: Mikaela (from Transformers)
- nominee: Nunally (?)
- nominee: Jeane
- nominee: Euphiemia
- nominee: Kobato

That's right guys! We have an opening for judge! (Two if Scar decides not to take the post). So if your muse would like to be a part of the event, but not compete, here's your chance!

Third: The event will probably be taking place around LATE JUNE/EARLY JULY, so please, please no one overlap their events with this! I will get back with a more exact date later, but for right now that's what it is while we see how long the next event (the one I am told is coming up after Allen's) takes and if this one can even go through.

That's pretty much it for now, but there will be more posts as the date draws nearer and the more finite details are hammered out. Be on the look out for these updates and let's all just have fun with this! Marina needs a little cheer, right?

Currently Signed Up Muses:

Nunally vi Brittania (maybe)
Komui (maybe)
Conrad (maybe)
Rukia Kuchiki
Alphonse Elric
Yuuri (maybe)
Billy Talent (maybe)
[June : Random Meme Time!]
15 June 2010 at 06:03 pm
Marina Asylum Mods
You'd have to eat a dozen eggs every day to grow up big and strong like the...


  • Comment here logged into your character with an empty or mostly-empty comment. (Put an exclamation point in angle-brackets.)

  • Other people will comment to your character with a request for a top 5 list! Such as "Who are the top 5 people she wants to punch in the face?" or "Describe his top 5 ideal date scenarios" etc.

  • Then everyone can reply ICly or OOCly to discuss.


  • Good times ensue. Protip: That means don't be jerks.
15 June 2010 at 06:38 pm
skjfghijk ok so I've been a bucket of failsauce for the last few days; I was... being a stupid person in regards to school, so I'm catching up, and I also am really busy here on the computer without the RPing part. And to add to this terribleness, I am sick.

so yeah I'm going to have to call a hiatus. Maybe for two weeks??? I don't know yet.

this effects Akagi the nasty man, Rosa and William.

I will be back when I have caught up in school and what-not.