05 June 2010 at 05:14 pm
I saw this coming... definitely.

Until now I realized it was inevitable since I was thinking in canon-updating her. Now school is consuming me like whoa that I barely can RP in the game and I have lack of motivation with Ade, so I didn't want to be irresponsible. I'm very sorry with all the people I interacted with (especially Arwen, Chrissy, Lina, Icki and others) and for the unforgettable CR I made here. Maybe I'll be back with this girl that I love so much, who knows!, or with another character, but I don't have the time and room for it right now.

So... my AIM account is rrrrcuicuicui and I'm totally up for any interaction in Phantasos and Erato whenever I can.

ILU Marina! ♥ Stay awesome!
so so sorry
05 June 2010 at 09:50 pm
I'm really sorry guys... but lately I don't feel like RP a lot, ever since I moved in December things changed a lot, and I changed as well, I'm not the same girl I was before and a lot of stuff hapened

I made a lot of great friends here, and I'm really sorry to go, but I can't hold a character that I barely play as much as I used to. Maybe I'll come back someday... I do not know. I'm really sorry, if you still want to talk to me I might be on AIM (charliesfate) from time to time.

Thank you for everything, Marina