C-continued hiatus?
04 June 2010 at 01:14 pm
Lacus Clyne
Only making this post because I owe, literally, 50-some tags, derp. Aheh. Despite halfway returning from my announced hiatus for a while, I've just not had the time or energy to tag the approximately 49564^3 threads I'm in. I WILL tag them, the tabs are all waiting and ready, but it'll be a little bit. So if you have threads with any of my kiddies:

Lacus Clyne ♬ Gundam SEED ♬ [info]fields_of_hope
Komui Lee ☢ D.Gray-Man ☢ [info]komurin
Cross Marian ♱ D.Gray-Man ♱ [info]rack_em_up
Saya Otonashi ♛ Blood+ ♛ [info]crimson_blade
Conrad Weller ♞ Kyou Kara Maou ♞ [info]edgeofsalvation
Xellos ❖ Slayers ❖ [info]namagomi

never fear that you WILL get return tags, if nothing else, on June 9 so I can keep myself from sobbing over my guests leaving. ^^; However, anyone who urgently needs a thread resolved for their character so they can continue to other things, please poke me here or drop an email! I know Xellos threads especially might need that so you can know how beat up someone is for the new day. &hearts
Slowatus thing
04 June 2010 at 02:50 pm
Lelouch vi Britannia
Slowatus for Kay! I'm just very distracted and in one of those moods where I only feel like being logged in to one character at a time. So, lame as it is, I thought I should warn everyone.

I have a log for Lelouch about to go up that was planned and timed, and an event for Allen next week that was planned and timed. Those will proceed as planned! But I can't even keep up with my existing threads, as anyone still waiting on Gino or Lelouch tags from the party can vouch. (OR FROM SOUBI'S PARTY, orz.)

I'll probably end up just tagging with one character for a while, then switching to another character for a while, etc. I'm going to try backtagging and keeping up, but tags will be slow.

Affects: Lelouch [info]xcix, Allen [info]pierrot, Roxas [info]lens_flare, Orihime [info]swordless, and Gino [info]uncommonly.