22 May 2010 at 04:33 am
Ribbons Almark
Might as well post this now --

I'll be going on hiatus from May 27 to June 11 for exams. Ribbons will still be able to post/participate on the 64th day (his first day out of restraints, yay!) and will be back for the 67th day.

This will only affect [info]arcanesansnom.

I will not be available for IM during that time either, so contact post is right here. Leave a comment, send me a line through email, PM -- I'll do my best do get back to you as soon as possible. :3

Wow. Failing all over the place.
22 May 2010 at 09:54 pm
This? Was something that I was hoping I wouldn't have to do. But it doesn't look like I have much of an option. My activity here has been terrible lately, and even though I already dropped one character I'm having a hard time getting back into the groove.

I don't want to leave the game completely, but I do think I'm going to have to drop Naoto. I'm sorry about this, guys. I wanted to hold onto her, cast or no cast, and I'm willing to finish up any threads she's still in if you want.

I'm not dropping Cielo, because like I said I don't want to leave the game again, but I think I'm going to step back and go on hiatus for a little bit. A couple weeks, maybe.

I love you guys still.
- Lauren
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