slow hiatus.
19 May 2010 at 12:27 pm
not a full one, or anything. i apologize to anyone who's possibly interested in tagging with this weirdo. extreme apologies for kay. ;w; i've been so ridiculously slow and hnnn. terrible, meli. terrible.

um, right, reasons.

i've come down with a cold of sorts. some days it's head and throat and coughing things, other days, it's intense abdominal pain things. just icky, icky all around. my body has barely been comprehending what it means to get out of bed and that's why i haven't been around very much. because i'm becoming siamese twins with the sheets and mattress. i mean, our atoms and shit are combining. it's really phenomenal and it feels kind of funny.

i'm trying to rest and take in plenty of vitamin c and iron and such. i really hope i can bustle into a better bout of activity very soon. ;^;

aa, i'll do my best to get to tagging some before work - and if not, maybe after - tonight.

see you around.
19 May 2010 at 01:00 pm
Road Kamelot ♪ Lady ♪ Noah
please see above.

Road Kamelot [info]impaledcandles, Anya Alstreim [info]screenedmemory, Sakura Kinomoto [info]sakurangel, Minako Aino [info]dutiful_love, Ioryogi [info]angrybluething, and Faith [info]five_byfive

Eeeeh I'm so excited to be back *o* In fact, I'm so excited that I'm posting this from the school computer....:D:D

EDIT: I'll jump in with Anya and Ioryogi - planning to intro Sakura and Minako next week...and I'll have Road and Faith jump back in the asylum tonight/tomorrow :D
Defense force memorandum!
19 May 2010 at 06:29 pm
Gino Weinberg
Hey guys! Ashura-mun reminded me that I wrote a shiny thing for the defense force members, but I hadn't actually linked it to anyone! SO HERE'S THE LINK.

From here on out I'll be including this link in all conversations where people ask to join, but for those of you who are already members, you should also be aware of this information. This is just really information to remind everyone that I am not an octopus and don't have eight arms with which to tag eight people all the time every day, so I need to ask you guys to help me out and just assume some things.

So please read it and love it, k?

It is also linked to on the DF's wiki page, which for the record is here~