08 May 2010 at 04:49 am
Ribbons Almark
Just a little heads up that I'll be gone for Saturday and Sunday (for beach, birthdays and Mother's Day), and will be back for posting come next IC day. :D

Character affected (only one ^^;;) -- [info]arcanesansnom

Contact post (for anything and everything) here.

[ A Reminder On the Activity Check ]
08 May 2010 at 09:47 am
Marina Asylum Mods
This is your official notice about a change in the rules, although not a change in policy:

4. There will be mandatory activity checks/how's my driving posts once a month. You are required to participate in them unless you are on hiatus for the majority of the activity check. Missing or failing two activity checks for ANY REASON is an assumed drop. Actual activity requirements are pretty laid-back (3 posts/logs/solid threads per month). Hiatus notices should go on [info]marina_ooc, but a hiatus that requires you to miss more than 2 ACs will be an assumed drop without extenuating circumstances and explicit mod permission.

This policy has always been in place, but it wasn't clearly written down, and now it is!

We're pretty generous with people who have needed to take hiatuses, but two months is a very long time to be on hiatus. If you are taking a hiatus of over two months, we need to hear a good reason why. If you're going on a hiatus that needs to be over two months long because you have to mail your computer to Thailand for repairs, or because you've been conscripted into the army, that's okay. Talk to a mod and we will make sure not to kick you out after the second missed activity check.

But missing two ACs in a row is, and always has been, a presumed drop, for any reason without explicit mod permission and extenuating circumstances.

You are only allowed to miss the AC if you are on total hiatus for the FIRST WEEK OF THE MONTH.

These rules are in place because your castmates miss your character when she's not around, and your gamemates want to play with your character because he's awesome. If you're gone for two months, the other players in your cast have to work around you, and it's not fair to them, or to prospective players who might want to play these characters.

Please also note that if you miss multiple ACs without a hiatus, you will eventually get in trouble, even if your character is active and you never miss two in a row. We haven't decided on an actual number yet.
08 May 2010 at 08:54 pm
Okay, so, I thought I could keep up, but it seems I am stretching myself thin and something has to give. As much as I would not like it to be my RPs, they are sort of the last thing on the list all things considered.

I will merely be slow for some time, somewhere in the range of May 9/10 - June 3. I have a last final to get through this week (paper + test), going home for a rest, and then going through an intense three weeks of a mini-session of summer school (May 17 - June 3 ). That is not to say I will not be able to post. I will try and look into Marina on the weekends and can more than likely resurface now and then during my break, though I will be spending most of my time with my family.

After that, I will be on SUMMER VACATION! HUZZAH!

Anyways, I just thought I'd let people know. If there is anything you need or want my characters for, please just IM me at inkedhymnal on AIM, or poke one of my boys' journals with a comment. I am sure I can find the time to poke in and comment back if you need me. I feel bad for having to be away for so long, but my schoolwork needs to come first and unfortunately this year I have a lot to cram into a short amount of time. As I said I don't want to quit the game or playing, but I'll have to restrict play to the weekends :/

Oh, by the way, this notice effects: Ashura-ou ([info]wishmadeinfire) and Setsuna F. Seiei ([info]apples_for_exia)

So yeah, let's hope I'm still alive when this is all over!