[ Activity : April ]
01 May 2010 at 02:07 pm
Marina Asylum Mods
[Activity : April]

1. Activity check!
Comment here with one of these filled out for every character you play. All characters must respond, unless you are on full hiatus until the 7th.

(If you need to cross-reference who falls sick and who doesn't, here!)

Use your character's community tag to find their activity for April and summarize it. Untagged activity does not count toward your activity check.

Be detailed! "Deire mostly just hung around" is not detailed. But don't be tl;dr! Two comments worth of a small essay riddled with links is tl;dr. The purpose of that section is to remind people what your character has been up to, so that any thoughts about your characterization will come back to them. It defeats the point if it's too long to read, or too short to jog memories.

You'll have one full week to comment, until the 7th. Repeating: All characters who were active in April must do this, unless you are currently on total hiatus. If your character has only been active for one week, you need to post for that character. If you are on slowatus, you need to post for your characters. If you are on hiatus with character A but still active with character B, you need to post for character A and character B. Only a total hiatus for the duration of the HMD gets you out of the HMD.

2. How's my driving?
Respond to other people's comments! Tell them if you think their characterization is right, wrong, just slightly off the mark; tell them if you think their character is so X Y and Z that you've decided to read/watch/play their canon; tell them if you think they as a player need to work on something, IC or OOC. You don't have to know someone's canon to give them valuable feedback.

Everyone is required to be open to concrit to play here! Please speak to the player in question before you decide that they're not open to crit. It helps us, the mods, if we can see what's going on so we can put a stop to players shutting down concrit.

3. Enjoy!
New kids will be incoming on Monday!