25 March 2010 at 12:08 am
sorry guys, but... i think i gotta call it. hiatus for the next... week or two? i'll still post to whatever threads are still going, but- yeah. no new stuff. D:

this affects Edward Elric and Ranma Saotome
25 March 2010 at 04:00 pm
[slayer] Faith Lehane
Hallo all you cool kats - taking a hiatus for Friday, Sat, and Sun. I'm off to Boston for a music field trip!!! 8DDD Competing!! 8D8D Again!! 8D8D

There is a very very strong chance that there will be no time/Internet for me to skulk around the place like usual - so. T_T You people are beautiful, so stay awesome for me. OH OH - and Whisp is going with me too.

AFFECTS: Anya Alstreim [info]screenedmemory , Faith Lehane [info]five_byfive , Ioryogi [info]angrybluething , Road Kamelot [info]impaledcandles , Minako Aino [info]dutiful_love , Sakura Kinomoto [info]sakurangel

ALSO AFFECTS: Sakura Clone [info]tornfeathers

25 March 2010 at 04:58 pm
What the subject says! :D There've been several characters expressing various levels of interest and commitment to some combination of overthrowing Acumen and bringing back Sentience. Let us organize!

I've got a very, very sketchy list; if your character has expressed interest let me know, I'll add them. Same goes if you want your character involved, we can figure out here how to plot that coming about. And figure out where we want to take this! :D

Ye Olde Informal List )
25 March 2010 at 05:51 pm
Miranda Lotto
I feel a bit bad doing this so close to my last, but I'll be going on slowatus for tonight until Monday. Animarathon is Saturday and I still have lots to finish preparing and then helping run the con. It may turn into a mini-hiatus if things get too hectic. I will still put in some tagging on things that have already been planned.

I will try to be back on Sunday, but we'll see how alive I am after going for 48 hours without sleep.

Oh, and people interested in the "going to the movies" post, tell me what you guys would like to see happen. Are we actually threading the pre-/during/post-movie action, or would you guys rather handwave it and decide what happened?

And what could be a good fake comedy they could have seen?

This affects:
Hanabusa Aidou ✥ [info]adioulyze_me | Uchiha Itachi ❂ [info]blindedbyblood
Johnny Rayflo ☀ [info]handoffmycherry | Josak Gurriere ❣ [info]miss_biceps
Miranda Lotto ✵ [info]neverenoughtime | Soubi Agatsuma ❇ [info]hurt_me_ritsuka
oh snap, full hiatus.
25 March 2010 at 06:15 pm
Going to Puerto Rico for a few weeks aaahhhh. There'll be no internet connection there because civilization? What is that? So~

- Lenalee Lee ([info]footwork)
- Kaito Wanijima ([info]gunfires)
- Neku Sakuraba ([info]nekky)
- Rise Kujikawa ([info]loverising)

Will be scarce/gone until April 18. Kaito (edit) and Lenalee are leaving marina for 3 IC days, the rest will just. IDEK. BB-- feel free to NPC anything with Neku&Joshua (NOTHING TOO CRAZY :|) or make something up if you need to.

I'll try to get to the AC post next week just because I hate missing those, but we'll see :x Baibai~♥
Hurrrrr Slowhiatus thing
25 March 2010 at 07:28 pm
So I've been pretty out of things lately due to school and forgot to say I'm pretty much on a slow-hiatus until April comes around! Then school is finished and yay~ I'm free.

This affects Beatrice ([info]beatrolliche) and Nana ([info]unlucky_number7)!

I'll still be replying to tags! But I'm really slow and still have to catch up. fldkjsf Sorry ;A;! So be expecting those tags...sometime soon 8D;