Japanese question related to newcomer.
24 March 2010 at 01:44 pm
Hi all. I know from chat that some of you are familiar with Japanese, so I was wondering if you could help me with an enquiry.

My newest reserve, Rena Ryuugu, has a verbal tic that I'm not sure how to represent in English. At the end of sentences, she says "kana, kana?" and I've had trouble finding an exact translation. The subtitles haven't really helped, as they all seem to have different versions of it. Does anyone know what that could mean? I want to make sure I translate it properly, as it's an important part of her voice.


- m

ps: TVTropes says "I wonder, I wonder?" Does that sound correct?
Just an FYI:
24 March 2010 at 01:47 pm
Permanent accounts are on sale from today until March 28 -- keep in mind that's probably Australia time, so if you wait until too late on the 28th you might miss it. Is 100 userpics not enough for you? Well, now you can get more, permanently, for just $50!
changed my mind :p
24 March 2010 at 04:15 pm
Yeah, so I kinda changed my mind about putting Jack on hiatus. Instead I'm going to make him sad that he's not with Sally after they just got to together and I'm going to get him a dog because he misses Zero. I just thought I'd let everyone know about that :3
Slow....Kitten is slow right now
24 March 2010 at 04:42 pm
Yuuki Kuran
Sorry that replies are lagging a bit of late. I've come down with a cold and just started a new job, so replies to things might result in a little bit of lag. Apologies. DXXX I just can't seem to concentrate or think when my head's all cloudy with fever/drugs. So I'm still here sorta, just replies will be slower than normal.

I'm sorry. ;o;
Free paid account time
24 March 2010 at 11:22 pm
So I finally gave in and did what I've wanted to do for some time - got Cielo a permanent account. /)_(\

Thing is, he still had over three months worth of paid time left on his account when I did. Because IJ is awesome like this, I can open a request to transfer that paid time to another account. I don't want to give it to another one of my own because a) I don't even have 100 icons for each of them yet, and b) I don't want to be tempted to get paid time for them too. (One is enough for me, since IJ has 100 free icons anyway!)

With that said, I'm willing to offer the three months of paid time to someone that wants it. Now realize - this is only three months. If you want to keep it paid after that, then you have to do it yourself because I'm not your sugar mommy. XD

Just to be fair to the people who don't see this right away, comment here if you want it and I'll draw the name from a hat after a day or so to see who gets it.
Mood: chipper