11 February 2010 at 12:17 am
Teeny slowaitus for this weekend, starting tomorrow. Off to Katsucon, so will be not around much, but should be able to tag a little.

See you guys Monday!
11 February 2010 at 02:02 pm
Hi. I think I'm back.

Here's the thing - I've been through one hell of a week, and I can't for the life of me remember all the back-tagging I have to do. I'll certainly check the comm tag and get back to everything I can find on there, but if there's a thread Reira or H&G are involved in that you really need a tag on now, please direct me to it via a link here. I'll put that above all else.

Thanks, guys!

- M

ps: I'm pretty sure I'm dropping Hansel and Gretel. They would've been great fun in the right hands, but more and more I'm realizing those hands are not mine. They're just way too NORMAL as I play them, and that really takes the fun out of them.

I might have new character coming soon, though, so watch for it!