I got my swim trunks, and my flippy-floppies!
02 January 2010 at 03:22 pm
Hiatus time, folks, 'cuz I'm sailin' onna BOAT!

Back from cruise on Jan 10th.

Lain |[info]thewired
Demyx | [info]sitarslacker
02 January 2010 at 11:04 pm
Miko "Jennifer" Shibuya
*sheepish grin*

Jennifer's reception has been beyond expectations (and she loves you for every minute of it!), but because of the sheer number of threads that are still up in the air, I have to announce a slow-atus Sunday thru Tuesday as I'll be out of town for most of the day tomorrow picking up Lena's milk tea and now cupcakes (want more fruit too?) and I really need to practice for my weekly piano lesson.

/moment of lame

So! Let me know if there's a tag/thread I need to get to right away please! ♥~ I'll do my best to tag everyone, but it's nice to know who to concentrate on.
