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Jun. 25th, 2015


Consequence Part 2

The wall around the resort has officially been broken down now that no one is tending to it/guarding it. This means that the resort is about to be overrun with all the creatures lurking outside the wall. These creatures could be anything you can dream up. The only thing that we know for sure is out there from a previous thread are gigantic, acid spitting spiders.



i think i am wrapping stuff up with current threads.... who is interested in plotting? i can hit replies a little more often this coming week... hooray, schedule actually making sense now!

mine are:
.........and surprise mystery guest. a former character of mine will be returning, but until i finish off an email log with mila i am not going to plot for her just yet.

Jun. 20th, 2015



As of this morning in game time, the staff have discovered the body left by Inque and they are all on strike. That will have bigger implications in a few days, but for now it means that there is no one working in the hotel. So all of our characters will need to cook for themselves, clean up after themselves, and will not be able to talk to anyone at the front desk or concierge, etc, etc.

Jun. 18th, 2015



Now is a good time to tie up threads and/or start new threads for quiet moments between characters. We've got something planned very soon that will shake things up.

Jun. 10th, 2015


I'm going to be a little spotty for the next couple weeks. Going on an adventure - sooo much adventuring in the month of June. Not sure if wifi will be available. Adventuring starts Friday and goes until...I really donno.

So, spotty creatures are Sam M., Jack O., Niks W., Rob W., Max F., Felicity S., Roy H., Peri T., and Mulan - wow! So many. When I get back fuller timelike, I shall be asking for stories!

May. 29th, 2015


Not exactly a slowatus yet.

In just under two weeks, I'm leaving for a convention that's basically my mecca. This means I've got about 2000 costumes left to do (slight exaggeration). Anyway, I'm sure you've all noticed that I'm a little slower than my usual and I just wanted to apologize in advance because I'm going to continue to be slow until after I get back on June 15th.

May. 19th, 2015


Probably not the last one.

I think I have a problem.

This is Kelly with Ray Palmer, also known as the Atom. He's from the DCTV verse, aka the Flarrowverse. He's from the same game as Felicity.

Big things to know: Ray is a mega-geek. He's excitable and sometimes prone to saying awkward things. This should make for some fun interactions. He has a supersuit that's a little too close to Iron Man's for my liking (*grumbles*) so he'll be missing that on planets where he doesn't have it.

I'm up for plotting with all of my characters if anyone wants them.

May. 18th, 2015


I got someone new...sort of!

This is Nel with a new to LW character.

She's a slight AU Felicity, or not so slight depending on how you see her ending up with Ray instead of Oliver ha! (sort of spoiler there)

I have a Jack open as well, so if anyone's interested in a hunter or any future plotting for anyone else, lemme know!

May. 15th, 2015



We have good news for the characters who feel naked without their weapons. Your character's weapons are hidden in their room. If bumped in the right way, a shelf on the wall of the hotel room will open up to reveal a safe similar to this. This safe will contain whatever weapons your character may use on a regular basis back home, so long as it's something that would likely fit in the safe. If you're questioning whether something would be in there, feel free to ask us. But for the most part, we trust your judgment.

Edit: If your character didn't use weapons back home, they'll still find something basic in the case. Think tire irons and baseball bats. Again, use your judgment and if you have questions, let us know.

May. 12th, 2015


New (old) character

This is Kelly and I'm bringing Clark here back. I know he's interacted with some of the characters, and he has already been canon punctured, so no worries if characters know who he is.

I also bring my apologies because I've been sick over the last few days and it's making it really hard to concentrate long enough to string more than a few sentences together. I'm working on getting caught up today though.

May. 11th, 2015


New characters!!

Hey it's me! Raeness!!

I've got two new faces for you.

Drumroll please!

I'm bringing in Lois Lane, roving reporter and advocate for Superman!


Diana Prince aka Wonder Woman!

If anyone wants either of these for plots, leave me a note here. If I don't hear anything by this evening I'll throw up a couple of open threads and go from there!


May. 9th, 2015




I would love to expose Inque's ability to someone. It's a secret she's keeping to herself for now, but I would love to put her (and maybe someone else) in a position where she has to expose the ability. Either by protecting someone that can't fight for themselves or battling alongside someone else?

Would anyone be interested?


May. 7th, 2015



oh hai.

i saw the intro thread, but since it's a few days old now, i'm introducing myself here. i don't feel like everybody will see what i have to say otherwise.

i'm lilah, and i think i know almost all of you... i am dean winchester, the ninth doctor, destiny rumancek (hemlock grove) and wolverine.

i'd really like some kind of plot... it seemed like from reading the intro post that's up that you are all pretty damn full.

i have a lot of jobs and i get writing in when i can. i feel like i should say that upfront; i don't intentionally keep people waiting, but i'm not home as much as i once was, so please be understanding of that going in.

stuff i would like to see:

destiny and anyone supernatural

there's that for starters.

i am around the rest of the evening, catch me if you can!

Apr. 30th, 2015


Plot post!

Now that we're officially up and running, this is a place to coordinate for the next month. Feel free to comment with your characters and what you would like to do with them, and then reply to others' comments to plot and discuss.

Since we're reopening, also feel free to introduce yourself in the comments.


New Planet: Paradise

Since it's midnight EST, you are all free to start posting! Woo hoo.

The new planet:

The aliens seem to have decided that their captives need a vacation. Each abductee will wake up in their own room in a five star resort situated on what seems to be an ocean. They will wake up dressed for a beach vacation, with beach-appropriate clothes in their dresser drawers and closet. The catch is that the resort is surrounded by a 10 foot high wall and there is an invisible barrier in the water stopping them from swimming past the wall around the resort. They will be allowed to come and go as they please, but outside the wall around the resort is a jungle filled with all sorts of supernatural creatures. If it's existed in a horror movie or in your character's source material, chances are it's outside the wall. There are signs posted up warning people against going outside the walls, but the exits aren't exactly guarded, so your character will be free to wander if they want to take the risk.

The staff at the resort will exchange pleasantries and will warn characters about what's outside the wall, but otherwise they are not able to answer questions about the aliens or the group that's been abducted. When asked questions along those lines, they may seem as though they haven't heard the question, or they may simply give a completely unrelated answer (ie, recommending the chicken fingers on the buffet, or commenting on the weather)

Characters who have been with the aliens in the past will awake to a letter on their nightstand, apologizing for what is apparently a several-months-long stasis they've been put into for the travel that needed to be undergone.

Dearest Transport,

We do heartily apologize for the state of grogginess and disorientation that you might currently feel. It is a side effect of the stasis that you were placed in for the last few months. Do not worry, this has not actually taken any other effect upon your bodies. You will find them as you left them once the fatigue has passed.

We found it necessary to place all of you into this state due to the distance we needed to travel and the speed at which it needed to be done. Even the strongest of you would not have survived, as you are not built for space travel to begin with, let alone at that level.

Unfortunately, you may also find some of your companions missing, and others added. The experiment needed to be altered.

Characters who are newly abducted will not receive a letter at all. So they will simply wake up in the hotel room with no explanation. Which, of course, means they're free to seek answers in any way they deem necessary.

Sep. 11th, 2014


Wish List

It's been awhile, but I'm going to venture out and do some advertising. I'd like to focus on what characters you would all like to see. So here's the place to give me your wish list. Canon characters, or simply plotlines that you'd like filled by OCs. Whatever!

Aug. 5th, 2014


New Planet: Dinosauria

As of today, characters are changing planets to a planet populated by dinosaurs. Some of them are the typical dinosaurs that were found on Earth. So watch out for T-Rexes and Velociraptors! There are also reptilian humanoids. Everyone will wake up within a small gathering of cabins amidst a fairly large settlement of the reptilian humanoids. These people will be aware that our characters are abductees. They will have a healthy fear of the aliens who have abducted our characters and might even be able to answer certain questions. If you want me to supply you with the answers that they might give or NPC one for you, let me know.

Outside the settlement (which has a wall and is guarded) there is a wild prehistoric style jungle that is filled to the brim with dinosaurs who will bite your face off.

The technology within the settlement is comparable to 2014 technology and more advanced in some ways. Characters will have any vehicles or other tech items that they didn't have on the last planet.

Things that may be revealed if your characters ask around:
-The village has played host to other groups of abductees. The cabins remain open for them. The last group 'visited' about 30 years ago.
-The aliens are made up of multiple races of aliens (those who remember being on the ship should already know this) who have banded together in the name of 'science.'
-The confederation of aliens who run this experiment are known and feared throughout this galaxy. Any villager who might discuss them would be awfully cagey and fearful and might not want to divulge much.
-No one knows the purpose of the experiments. Only that they've been running for as long as anyone can remember.

So! questions, comments, plot requests? Drop them here!

Jul. 29th, 2014


Planet change: Coming soon!

Next week sometime, we're going to do another planet shift. Let me know if you have more planned and we can always push it back a little. That's one of the joys of a small game!

I'll announce more about the next planet on the day we do the shift, but just wanted to give a heads-up warning in case you all have more Wild West shenanigans planned.

Jul. 23rd, 2014



there is an email thread going that is making me feel feelings like a real person again!

thought you should know. ;)


brief slowatus.


as i think most of you know, i'm heading out tomorrow morning to go meet my best friend linda's new baby! some of you know linda from previous games.

anyway, it's a six hour drive, and then i'll be hanging out with her and her kids and hubby for the weekend. i will be back on sunday.

there will likely not be tagging while i am gone, but i may tag certain characters. i am faster with some vs. others... some muses are really loud right now.

enjoy yer weekend!


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