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Jul. 13th, 2014


Plot plot plotty plot

It's been a little while since we've all discussed game stuff, so let's get some plotting going. First of all, are there any ideas that you'd like to see for future planets? And is there anything bigger that you'd like to accomplish for your characters? Or anything smaller, really.

Pretty much throw your hat in the ring with anything and everything that you'd like to work on in the future.


hemlock grove?

anyone watch? anyone love?

i'm looking for someone who might consider bringing in peter. any takers? i plan to try to recruit if not.

i think he'd be a good addition to this chaos, but also i think it's high time phaedra had someone to bond with, and there is zero way she wouldn't bond with him.


Jul. 5th, 2014


random question

just because i'm curious... what characters have you written in your rp time???

here's a list of mine:

the doctor
dean winchester
river tam
aeon flux
jack sparrow
melaka fray
saerian (a demon)
amaterasu (a japanese goddess)
charles gunn
nicolas de lenfent
lestat de lioncourt
gabrielle de lioncourt
jesse reeves

... and a few misc. others at a game where mila picked the characters and i had to write 'em, as well as various npcs (like bobby singer) at a game i used to run.

Jun. 18th, 2014


New Planet time

As we discussed over email, this planet is going to look a whole lot like the Wild West of the US. The difference is that there are several alien species running around. Most are fairly humanoid, but some might not be. You're welcome to make some up if you'd like. Just comment here with any that you throw into the mix.

The actions of Cas, Anna, Jack, and Eleni on the previous planet helped to inspire an uprising. So feel free to reference this as well. The characters were around long enough to see the start of it and might have even helped, if you'd like.

Let me know if you have any questions on this. As always, they'll arrive in appropriate clothes. So again, think Wild West. (and Dean and Sam even have some icons they can use for this!)

Apr. 15th, 2014




-nine, annabelle, morpheus, phaedra, dean

Mar. 24th, 2014



dear all-

i leave seattle tomorrow for the big move! i will be driving across country and probably without internet for about a week. it could be longer than that-- i do not yet have an apartment waiting for me, i have to find one once i get there. (i have a smartphone for that, but i don't think i will realistically type out replies on the iphone.)

i will hit everything today, hopefully once or twice, as i clean up the apartment, and then possibly in the morning before i go while i wait for the sedatives to take effect for my kitty (who is coming with.)

but i will be gone tomorrow. please be patient! seattle has been really expensive and a huge drain on me, so leaving is a positive, if stressful, thing.


Mar. 22nd, 2014


New blood! :-)

Hi! I'm Shiva, and I'm new, obviously. I don't think I know anybody here but Kelly, so I'm trying not to go into painfully shy mode. Please bear with me.

I'm bringing two boys into the mix: Severus Snape, from Harry Potter, and Rock Lee ([info]green_beast) from Naruto. So, umm, hi?

ETA: I suck at intros, in case you couldn't tell. Sev's info is located here, and Lee's is here. I will be putting up open posts for both of them shortly, and then going to bed, 'cause I'm beat, but feel free to throw anyone at them. I am super not picky.

Mar. 4th, 2014


Okay guys, I am royally sucking as a mod and a player lately. Some of you know and some of you don't, but I decided to quit my job and stay home with the kids last month and since then, it's been Murphy's law in that if it can go wrong, it has. I'm really exhausted, stressed out and just generally overwhelmed.

so I'm still here, but be patient with me please. Also, let me know if you need my characters for anything. And we still need to figure out what do with Gadreel, so let's talk about that too please!

Feb. 26th, 2014


dear all,

just a note to explain my slowness (i am really trying not to be slow, but...) i am moving out of the state next month and there's a lot to do.

i am leaving seattle on march 26th, so there will be a short hiatus of a week or so after that date while i drive out of here and get settled. meantime i am still here and i still want to write, so please do play with me! i'm just having to do things like pack and plan, and still am working, so i might be a little slow.

that said.... who wants dean and nine and annabelle??? and phae!



Feb. 23rd, 2014


Semi-unexpected hiatus

Not sure how many noticed I went quiet, but I did. I moved and had one helluva week all together. I'm hoping with the addition of a few things in my new place that I should be on more. Also, a smarter way of doing my job - ha! Don't asking; just know that I went a little stupid with my ambition and need to get crap done.

I have returned.

Oh, this is Nel by the way, player of Sam M., Rob, Peri, Niks, Jack and Max.

Feb. 13th, 2014



So for those who don't know, I'm in the midst of a pretty big life change-I quit my job and am now staying at home full-time with my kids. This is really exciting, but it's going to require some time and energy to help my kids adjust to the new status quo. Which means that I might not be around as much for the next week or two. This weekend in particular, I will be most likely completely AWOL since my husband and I will be spending the weekend together.

The good news is that I might be able to sneak in a few more replies during the day moving forward so in the long run, I'll probably be around more.

Feb. 10th, 2014


So, this is Nel, and I have a new critter. She's from the world of Heroes. Periwinkle Thomas works for the Company; she's one of the special ones.

Hopefully she's fun for all, woohoo!

Feb. 2nd, 2014


AKA, here's where we all help keep Kelly from being absentminded.

I'm trying to get more organized because my mind has been all over the place lately. So here's my to-do list. If we've talked about something and it isn't on there, please tell me so I can add it to the list. And if we haven't talked about something, please let me know!

I'm going to be better at maintaining that moving forward because I feel like I'm spacing out on things that I've agreed to. Not because I don't want to do them but because life is insane and I currently have the memory of a goldfish.

Jan. 30th, 2014


icon note


morpheus and i will be uploading icons of characters that appear in your characters' dreams. (ie, i just found a bunch from the supernatural fandom as we have so many characters from there). if there is a non-obvious face that would appear in a dream with your character, let me know who it is and the PB if it's a non-established/non-canon character. i'll be happy to provide the face. i feel this will be easier going forward since he's going to be weaving a lot of dreams.


Jan. 28th, 2014


New planet!

At first glance, the new planet seems to be a utopia. Everyone will wake up in a high rise hotel in the middle of a city that is pristine and has cutting edge technology. They will all have phones, so finding each other won't be an issue if they want to. Each person will be staying in a two bedroom suite and room service and various amenities in the hotel are complimentary. The city itself is relatively quiet for a city. Cars don't honk, there aren't any fights or gunshots. There aren't many people out after dark.

What your characters might notice as they're there a few days is that there's fear in the eyes of some residents. If your characters get caught breaking any laws (or see anyone else doing something even as minor as littering) they will realize that law enforcement is swift, brutal, and unforgiving in this place.

There is a dome around the city, so there's no getting out. Outside of the dome, there is a lush tropical rainforest. Inside, there are no trees or any sort of plantlife to be found.

The aliens have decided to assign roommates for this planet. So the roommates are as follows:

Alan Wake & Annabelle Curry
Anna Milton & Castiel Milton
Clark Kent & Dean Winchester
The Doctor & Eleni Stark
Finnick Wright & Jack Oat
Jo Harvelle & Lois Lane
Mary Winchester & Morpheus
Niklas Wright & Periwinkle Thomas
Phaedra Romani & Rob Winchester
Sam Merlotte & Sam Winchester

Obviously, they are welcome to trade off if you so choose. They just might want to make sure that the front desk at the hotel doesn't notice...

Jan. 23rd, 2014


I've been slow lately, I know, and I'm sorry-- I'm even more sorry because it looks like this is going to be my RPing speed for the foreseeable future. It may even get slower for the next month or so, because I'll be having foundation work done on my house, which means they will probably be waking me up earlier than I'm used to, and more tired = less tags. But I will do my best to keep up with everything. I'm sorry to everyone who's been waiting on tags and those of you who will have to continue to wait on tags.

Crossposting this, sorry if you see it twice. ♥

Jan. 22nd, 2014


Planet Change next week!

I'll give more details about the dome planet on the day of the change, but just a heads-up that it's scheduled for next week Tuesday so now's the time to get your fill of the Medieval world.


Wedding coordination

The Wedding Post is up and I figured that we should coordinate a bit here. Basically, I'd like to split this into smaller subthreads. The plan is to have the ceremony continue in the middle of the battle, with Anna and Cas saying their vows in between killing orcs. (yes, orcs, as in Lord of the Rings style Orcs)

So the Doctor has first comment and then if anyone else wants to join in, feel free to start you own subthread and we can go from there. However, if you are overloaded with threads at the moment (as I know that many of us are) and just want to handwave that your character was there, let us know here and we can discuss and maybe have those threading it out reference your character doing whatever they're doing.

Oh, and I figure that Anna would have invited any of the abductees who showed an interest so if you'd like your character to be there, feel free to assume that they got an invite and throw them in.

Jan. 21st, 2014


raise your hand if...

you are interested in being a part of a plot where morpheus becomes a villain.

read his most recent narrative (will be up shortly) and let me know if you and yours are down for some seriously strange dreams AND nightmares. i know we have established he is not the nightmare guy, but i think that it makes sense given what i'm about to write (and it has been mod ok-ed).

how evil he gets with you is up to you. ;)

Jan. 14th, 2014


a question

... because i make a lot of playlists for my classes lately....

what's one song you strongly associate with your character(s)?</i>

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