The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

wolfsbane and potion masters

February 11th, 2010

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Title: The Black Robe of Flanders, Part Five of Five
Rating: R or thereabouts
Summary: Severus must find and disarm a legendary horcrux, with Remus as his assistant. They didn’t count on the complications.
Warnings: snarking, kabouters, smoking of tobacco and other substances, references to legal drug use, possible pre-slash, bad food.
Note: this is for the Fantasy Fest prompt "kabouters." I have made the kabouters somewhat larger than they really should be, and have likely offended many people from Fryslan, Sneek, The Amicitia Hotel, and the Low Countries in general. I can only plead ignorance and throw myself on the mercy of King Kyrie.

Also, this is only partially DH-compatible, as Snape, Lupin, and Tonks all survived.

Previous sections can be found here, here, here, and here.

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January 20th, 2010

Fic Post: The Black Robe of Flanders, Part Four

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Title: The Black Robe of Flanders, Part Four
Rating: R or thereabouts
Summary: Severus must find and disarm a legendary horcrux, with Remus as his assistant. They didn’t count on the complications.
Warnings: snarking, kabouters, smoking of tobacco and other substances, references to legal drug use, possible pre-slash, bad food.
Note: this is for the Fantasy Fest prompt "kabouters." I have made the kabouters somewhat larger than they really should be, and have likely offended many people from Fryslan, Sneek, The Amicitia Hotel, and the Low Countries in general. I can only plead ignorance and throw myself on the mercy of King Kyrie.

Also, this is only partially DH-compatible, as Snape, Lupin, and Tonks all survived.

Previous sections can be found here, here, and here.

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August 12th, 2009

Fantasy Fest 2008 Master List

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Also in 2008, the community hosted a Fantasy Fest, and here is the master list of stories and art from that event! If any works created for the Fantasy Fest 2008 don't appear on this list, please drop me a link in the comments of this post, and I'll add them.

Thanks to [info]purpleygirl for compiling the list!


Stories this way! )


Art this way! )

October 6th, 2008

Fantasy Fest: Short Fic Prompt #44 - Three Words, Eight Letters - Pt 2

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Here's Part Two for "Three Words, Eight Letters". Sorry for the long wait, but it's slowly getting done and as promised, it will be completed :) Enjoy this chapter and let me know what you think ^_^

Title: Three Words, Eight Letters - Part 2: Reconciliation (2/5)
Author: whitestar (whitestar_alpha on LJ/whitestar or IJ)
Characters: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape, Sirius Black/OC, Harry Potter
Rating: R (this part)
Word count: 6850
Warnings: AU, angst, gen, h/c, non-canon, post-war, romance, slash, language
Summary: After the War, Remus awakes in St. Mungo's and finds that Severus is alive and was always working for the Order. Regret and desire create their own war within Remus as he tries to regain what he thought he once lost.
Prompt: Written for the lupin_snape Fantasy Fest 2008. Short fic Prompt #44 -- S&R survived DH. After Harry's revelation, many people owe Severus apology -- including Remus.
Notes: This is my first attempt at a prompt in a fest. Its turning out much longer that I expected. Even if I don't finish this story by the cut-off date, I will finish it because if I don't, I'll drive myself crazy! I also know what it's like to read an unfinished fic. So whoever asked for this do not fear, I won't do that to you, this will be completed. Many thanks to my wonderful betas: brighty18 on Live journal, geek6 on Live Journal, and starcrossed (kibatsu on LJ/[info]starcrossdkayla on IJ).
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the "Harry Potter" characters in this fic, except for my own created characters. No money is made from this fic.

Three Words, Eight Letters - Part Two: Reconciliation )

September 25th, 2008

Fantasy Fest Art by [info]tbranch

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There is a gorgeous Fantasy Fest piece of art by [info]tbranch, posted on our sister community on LJ here. You should hop on over there and lavish him with the praise he so richly deserves! *g*

love, lore

September 8th, 2008

Fantasy Fest Fic: Without Drug or Herb, 3 of 3 (PG-13)

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Title: Without Drug or Herb
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin
Challenge: Fantasy Fest 2008
Warnings: Unbeta'd
Disclaimer: All characters and settings belong to J.K. Rowling/her publishers. No infringement is intended and no money is being made.
Prompt: Long fic prompt #11 - Remus has a rare side-effect of long term lyncanthropy that isn't well documented and Snape finds out, and wants to use Remus has a lab rat. Remus uses it as his opportunity to get closer to his crush, oblivious!Snape a plus, happy end, 18+
Summary: “I will show you a love potion without drug or herb, or any witch's spell. If you wish to be loved, love.”

A/N: Finished! Thank you all for your patience and encouraging words. *hugs*

Chapter 1

Chapter 2


September 7th, 2008

Fantasy Fest Fic: Dark Creatures -- Chapter 4

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Title: Dark Creatures -- Chapter 4
Rating:NC17 overall/NC-17 this part (for sex and Darkness)
Pairing: Lupin/Snape, Sirius/Snape, Lupin/Snape/Sirius
Word Count: 2400 (this chapter)
Challenge: Fantasy Fest 2008
Prompt: Snape has been cursed by Death Eaters and to avoid horrible pain, must be taken by a Dark Creature every day.
Warnings: AU, dark situation, pain, sex *points to prompt, esp the part that says horrible pain and taken by a Dark Creature*
Disclaimer: All characters are the property of JK Rowling and are most definitely not mine. This is for entertainment purposes only and no profit is being sought.
Author's notes: Blessings on [info]ships_harry for her awesome beta skillz and [info]blpaintchart for her equally awesome Brit-picking! Apologies for this part taking so long but school got awfully intensive this week. :-) More soon!

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3

Dark Creatures -- Chapter 4 )

September 2nd, 2008

Fantasy Fest Fic: Dark Creatures -- Chapter 3

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Title: Dark Creatures -- Chapter 3
Rating:NC17 overall/PG-13 for this part
Pairing: Lupin/Snape, Sirius/Snape, Lupin/Snape/Sirius
Word Count: 1793 (this chapter)
Challenge: Fantasy Fest 2008
Prompt: Snape has been cursed by Death Eaters and to avoid horrible pain, must be taken by a Dark Creature every day.
Warnings: AU (There will be more later. ^___^)
Disclaimer: All characters are the property of JK Rowling and are most definitely not mine. This is for entertainment purposes only and no profit is being sought.
Author's notes: Blessings on [info]ships_harry for her awesome beta skillz and [info]blpaintchart for her equally awesome Brit-picking! To my 'unknown' promptee, I will keep posting chapters until this is done. Shouldn't be too terribly long. Let this stand as a promise that, yes, your prompt will actually (finally) get written. ;-) And WOOO Chaptered Fics! Why didn't I think of this before?

Chapter 1, Chapter 2

Dark Creatures -- Chapter 3 )

Fantasy Fest Fic: Without Drug or Herb, 2 of 3 (PG-13)

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Title: Without Drug or Herb
Rating: PG-13/R-ish, if you squint
Pairing: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin
Challenge: Fantasy Fest 2008
Warnings: Unbeta'd
Disclaimer: All characters and settings belong to J.K. Rowling/her publishers.  No infringement is intended and no money is being made.
Prompt: Long fic prompt #11 - Remus has a rare side-effect of long term lyncanthropy that isn't well documented and Snape finds out, and wants to use Remus has a lab rat. Remus uses it as his opportunity to get closer to his crush, oblivious!Snape a plus, happy end, 18+
Summary: “I will show you a love potion without drug or herb, or any witch's spell.  If you wish to be loved, love.”

A/N: Firstly, I am made of EPIC FAIL and am not quite finished.  The final installment will be short and will arrive soon!  Secondly, heartfelt 'thanks' to hogwarts_today for selecting my wee little fic for Editor's Pick, and to whomever is responsible for alerting them of its existence.  I heart this fandom. 

Chapter 1


September 1st, 2008

Fantasy Fest Fic: A Day In The Life, Part I

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Title: A Day In The Life, Part I
Rating: R
Pairing: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin
Warnings: None
Dislcaimer: Not mine, wish they were
Summary: Severus Snape is given a chance - a single day to change the events of his life and save both himself and the man he loves from death; the only problem is convincing Remus that he wants to be saved!
Prompt: # 50 -- S is granted a chance to relive a single day in his lifetime and alter the events that unfold during that day (and beyond it). There are risks, of course, unless it's all an illusion and whatever he does is meaningless. OotP, Auror S and R.
A/N: With apologies for the lateness - I had started this fic twice and kept changing my mind about where I wanted it to go, then ran out of time. Hopefully I can produce what the prompter wished! I will be posting updates as fast as I can get them written!

A Day In The Life, Part I )

Fantasy Fest Prompt: #24

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Title: Because It Is My Heart (2/?)
Author: JadedBade
Rating: Um…I’ll just make it PG-13 until further notice
Characters: Severus/Remus, Draco—eventual threesome
Word Count: (this part) 3,066
Disclamer: The characters are JKR’s—I’m just playing with them.

Summery/Prompt: Long prompt #24—R is the leader of a werewolf pack (living like humans, please!), S brews Wolfsbane for them (other medical work/brewing a plus). New arrival of a feral werewolf, turns out to be Draco - R and S must rehabilitate him. Any rating OK.

A/N: This has not been beta’d. This is a postwar fic and is AU after book five. Severus never had to kill Dumbledore and neither Severus nor Remus dies in the war, obviously. Remus never hooked up with Tonks either. This part is a bit shorter than the last but I wanted to get something out for you guys!

Part One
Part Two... )

Fantasy Fest Art: Emerging (R)

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Yet another past the deadline and probably nothing like what the prompter intended. But finished at least! ^^;;

Title: Emerging
Characters: Snape and Lupin
Artist: Ponderosa
Rating: R
Prompt: Short art prompt #26: naked and wet.

Emerging [NWS] )

Fantasy Fest Fic: "Love Potion Number Eleven" (NC17)

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Mods: Sorry this is a day past the deadline; I've been arguing with my net connection intermittently for the last three weeks and yesterday (and so far most of today) has been particularly ridiculous.

Title: Love Potion Number Eleven
Pairing: Snupin with mention of past Remus/Tonks and implied other partners.
Author: [info]florahart
Rating: NC17
Words: ~4225
Warnings: Cracked premise? And the fact it went sappier than I had in mind. I don't think there are any kink warnings.
A/N: This is for the 2008 fantasy fest, for short prompt #6: Snupin Top Chef. Canonical Remus/Tonks is not discounted even though basically just about every death in the series besides Voldemort's is. I have no idea.

Love Potion Number Eleven )

August 31st, 2008

Fantasy Fest Fic: Dark Creatures -- Chapter 2

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Title: Dark Creatures -- Chapter 2
Rating:NC17 overall/PG for this part
Pairing: Lupin/Snape, Sirius/Snape, Lupin/Snape/Sirius
Word Count: 600 (this chapter)
Challenge: Fantasy Fest 2008
Prompt: Snape has been cursed by Death Eaters and to avoid horrible pain, must be taken by a Dark Creature every day.
Warnings: AU (There will be more later. ^___^)
Disclaimer: All characters are the property of JK Rowling and are most definitely not mine. This is for entertainment purposes only and no profit is being sought.
Author's notes: Blessings on [info]ships_harry for her awesome beta skillz! To my unknown promptee, I will keep posting chapters until this is done. Shouldn't be too terribly long. Let this stand as a promise that, yes, your prompt will actually (finally) get written. ;-) And WOOO Chaptered Fics! Why didn't I think of this before?

Chapter 1

Dark Creatures -- Chapter 2 )

Fantasy Fest: Fic: Dark Creatures -- Chapter 1

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Title: Dark Creatures -- Chapter 1
Rating:NC17 overall and PG13 for this part
Pairing: Lupin/Snape, Sirius/Snape, Lupin/Snape/Sirius
Word Count: 1200 (this chapter)
Challenge: Fantasy Fest 2008
Prompt: Snape has been cursed by Death Eaters and to avoid horrible pain, must be taken by a Dark Creature every day.
Warnings: AU (There will be more later. ^___^)
Disclaimer: All characters are the property of JK Rowling and are most definitely not mine. This is for entertainment purposes only and no profit is being sought.
Author's notes: Blessings on [info]ships_harry for her awesome beta skillz! To my unknown promptee, I will keep posting chapters until this is done. Shouldn't be too terribly long. Let this stand as a promise that, yes, your prompt will actually (finally) get written. ;-) And WOOO Chaptered Fics! Why didn't I think of this before?

Dark Creatures -- Chapter 1 )

Fantasy Fest FIC: Already Standing (On the Ground) (Part 1/5, PG)

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Title: Already Standing (On the Ground) (Part 1/5)
Author: [info]westernredcedar
Summary: It was just a road trip...
Quote: “Severus Snape?” Remus asked, his mind whirling. “You want to hire me to travel to the States and collect potions ingredients with Severus Snape?”
Rated: PG
Warnings: Nah, not in this part.
Word count: ~5,000 (this part)
Prompt: S&R on a cross country road trip. As much mayhem and mischief as possible. Bad map reading, questionable truck stops, trying to fix car problems with magic, quirks coming out of the woodwork. At least one hexing and woods!sex a plus.
A/N: Thank you to the magical [info]blpaintchart for betaing and being inspiring and wonderful as always!
Once again, my pledge to never post a WIP has been defeated by a fest deadline, but I hope to post one part per week (if not more) from here on, until this is complete. The five parts is an estimate, but I think that is realistic...I do have a full outline! :D
I must apologize to the residents of Zanesville, Ohio, where I once spent a night on a road trip and enjoyed a delicious margarita. Remember that Remus and Severus's opinions may not reflect that of the author...lalala.

Already Standing (On the Ground) )

Fantasy Fest Fic: An Acquired Taste

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Title: An Acquired Taste
Author: Jules Noctambule
Rating: PG-13
Challenge: Fantasy Fest 2008
Short prompt: A domestic scene, established relationship -- a trip to the market. Remus has a taste for something Severus dislikes.
Warnings: Contains durian, haggis and other possibly objectionable foodstuffs.
Summary: Even in love, not everyone’s tastes are the same.

“You cannot possibly expect me to eat that )

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Here is the first part of my Fantasy Fest fic. Look for the rest tomorrow or Tuesday.

Title: The Black Robe of Flanders, Part I
Rating: PG-13 or thereabouts
Summary: Severus must find and disarm a legendary horcrux, with Remus as his assistant. They didn’t count on the complications.
Warnings: snarking, kabouters, smoking of tobacco and other substances, references to legal drug use, possible pre-slash, bad food.
Note: this is for the Fantasy Fest prompt "kabouters." I have made the kabouters somewhat larger than they really should be, and have likely offended many people from Fryslan, Sneek, The Amicitia Hotel, and the Low Countries in general. I can only plead ignorance and throw myself on the mercy of King Kyrie. Also, the icon shows a kabouter with a mushroom. Really.

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Fantasy Fest Fic: Without Drug or Herb, 1 of 2 (PG-13)

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Title: Without Drug or Herb
Rating: PG-13/possible R later
Pairing: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin
Challenge: Fantasy Fest 2008
Warnings: Unbeta'd
Disclaimer: All characters and settings belong to J.K. Rowling/her publishers.  No infringement is intended and no money is being made.
Prompt: Long fic prompt #11 - Remus has a rare side-effect of long term lyncanthropy that isn't well documented and Snape finds out, and wants to use Remus has a lab rat. Remus uses it as his opportunity to get closer to his crush, oblivious!Snape a plus, happy end, 18+
Summary: “I will show you a love potion without drug or herb, or any witch's spell.  If you wish to be loved, love.”

A/N: Doing my damndest to finish by the deadline.  I also took some liberties with the prompt - hope it still satisfies!


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Fantasy Fest Fic: Five Conversations about a Revolution, 2/2 (R)

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Title: Five Conversations about a Revolution
Author: [info]snegurochka_lee
Characters: Snape/Lupin. Brief Remus/OMCs.
Rating: R
Words: ~13,500
Warnings: Gratuitous references to East European and Soviet politics and culture in the 1980s, and wholly improbable ties between those and the Wizarding world. ;)
Summary: rev·o·lu·tion, noun: For some: a sudden or momentous change in a situation. For others: the overthrow of one government and its replacement with another. For Remus Lupin: a turning or rotational motion about an axis – an axis with uncertain loyalties and motivations of his own.
Full header and Part 1

Five Conversations about a Revolution, concluded )

Fantasy Fest Fic: Five Conversations about a Revolution, 1/2 (R)

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Title: Five Conversations about a Revolution
Author: [info]snegurochka_lee
Characters: Snape/Lupin. Brief Remus/OMCs.
Rating: R
Words: ~13,500
Warnings: Gratuitous references to East European and Soviet politics and culture in the 1980s, and wholly improbable ties between those and the Wizarding world. ;)
Summary: rev·o·lu·tion, noun: For some: a sudden or momentous change in a situation. For others: the overthrow of one government and its replacement with another. For Remus Lupin: a turning or rotational motion about an axis – an axis with uncertain loyalties and motivations of his own.
Notes: For the 2008 Fantasy Fest, based on the following long-fic prompt: Lupin researching Dark Arts behind the Iron Curtain, Snape en route to see about whispers in Albania, either early 1980s and distraction with angst, or 1989 and distraction of Wall coming down etc. It turned out a bit different than that, mostly because a.) Snape sort of refused to be in it, and b.) a single story refused to form in my head, so you get five mini-stories instead. But, uh, despite the Snape thing, it still fits this comm. And the five mini-stories are related. I hope. :)

Five Conversations about a Revolution, 1/2 )

That boy - Part 5 of 5 - fantasy fest '08 - REVISED

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Title: That Boy - Part 5 of 5

Author: Tetsubinatu
Rating: PG 13
Wordcount (this part): about 1900
Pairing(s)/character(s): Snape/Lupin
Challenge: Fantasy Fest 2008
Summary: Long-fic Challenge 25 -- Post-war, plausible survival scenario, established relationship (either new or long-standing). Somehow R finds out that Sirius left a child, and wants to adopt it. I like my S snarky, but not cruel. Any rating. Happy endings are best! :)
Disclaimer: Not mine. Just for fun.
Warnings: written in haste

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

read on... )

Fantasy Fest Art: Reflected, PG

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Title: Reflected
Artist: [info]twilightsorcery
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Severus/Remus
Challenge: Fantasy Fest 08
Summary: Severus, just moving into the headmaster's office, unexpectedly confronts the Mirror of Erised. Remus, on the move, attempts a spell to see what he needs for his mission and finds that he needs something else more.
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters.
Warnings: Might not be worksafe; there's a bit of bare chest.
Notes: For long art prompt #6: Diptych. DH - Headmaster S w/ pained expression looking into mirror seeing R's reflection holding him - R gripping mirror w/ S's reflection smiling sadly at himI saw this prompt and HAD to have it. It's a diptych! I had a great time with this. Thanks, mysterious prompter, whoever you are. :)
Art Preview:

Reflected )

First art post. Hi!

August 30th, 2008

Fantasy Fest: Short Fic Prompt #44 - Three Words, Eight Letters - Pt 1

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Title: Three Words, Eight Letters Part 1 - Revelations (1/5?)
Author: whitestar_alpha (also whitestar on IJ)
Characters: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape, Sirius Black/OC, Harry Potter
Rating: PG (this part)
Word count: 5836
Warnings: AU, post-war, angst, gen, h/c, non-canon, romance, slash, suggestive banter
Summary: After the War, Remus awakes in St. Mungo's and finds out that Severus is alive and was always working for the Order. Regret and desire create their own war within Remus as he tries to regain what he thought he once lost.
Prompt: Written for the lupin_snape Fantasy Fest 2008. Short fic Prompt #44 -- S&R survived DH. After Harry's revelation, many people owe Severus apology -- including Remus.
Notes: I'm very new to fanfic writing. This is my first attempt at a festival prompt. Its turning out much longer that I expected and I apologise for it being late. This won't be finished by the cut-off date, but I will finish it because if I don't, I'll drive myself crazy! I also know what it's like to read an unfinished fic. So whoever asked for this do not fear, I won't do that to you, this will be completed. Many thanks to my betas: [info]cardigrl, [info]drachenmina, [info]hobgoblinn, starcrossed (kibatsu on LJ/ [info]starcrossdkayla on IJ). Special thanks to [info]starcrossdkayla for the hand-holding in working through this fic. I know I would have never even tried writing if it wasn't for her.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the "Harry Potter" characters in this fic, except for my own created characters. No money is made from this fic.

Three Words, Eight Letters )

That boy - Part 4 of 5 - fantasy fest '08 - REVISED

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Title: That Boy - Part 4 of 5, probably
Author: Tetsubinatu
Rating: M because of the F-word
Wordcount (this part): about 900
Pairing(s)/character(s): Snape/Lupin
Challenge: Fantasy Fest 2008
Summary: Long-fic Challenge 25 -- Post-war, plausible survival scenario, established relationship (either new or long-standing). Somehow R finds out that Sirius left a child, and wants to adopt it. I like my S snarky, but not cruel. Any rating. Happy endings are best! :)
Disclaimer: Not mine. Just for fun.
Warnings: written in haste

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

read on... )
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