The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

wolfsbane and potion masters

June 5th, 2009

Masterlist - Dark Side challenge

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This is the Masterlist for the Dark Side of Snape/Lupin challenge!

If there are any errors or omissions, please leave a comment, and I will fix it right away. And if you missed the deadline, you don't necessarily need to abandon the project! If you finish your prompt in the future, leave me a link here and I'll add it to the list.

Still looking for more dark Snupin? Go back and browse through the 2007 Masterlist or the 2008 Masterlist as well!

Thanks to everyone who participated, and to the [info]lupin_snape mods for letting me use their sandbox for the month.

Dark Side Masterlist! )

June 1st, 2009

Dark Side Challenge: I'll Be Watching You, NC-17

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Title: I’ll Be Watching You
Author: [info]firefly124
Characters: Snape/Lupin, Luna
Rating: NC-17
Words: About 9-10K, I think
Challenge: Dark Side Challenge and Lusty Month of May combined
Summary: Being back at Hogwarts puts Remus back in close proximity to Severus, with strange and sometimes disturbing results.

I'll Be Watching You

May 31st, 2009

Dark Side challenge fic: One Echo (Snape/Lupin, Lily, R)

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Last day for the Dark Side Challenge! If you're still working on something, go ahead and follow your mod's lead and get your fic or art posted at the very last minute! Oi. :/

Title: One Echo
Author: [info]snegurochka_lee
Characters: Snape/Lupin, Lily, James. Snape/Lily, sort of, but no more than you get from canon.
Rating: R
Words: ~3,400
Warnings: Domestic abuse. (Minor, offstage) character death. Quite far into AU territory, too, I should think. Possibly suspect magical theory.
Summary: Snape saw the moment it registered. Lupin was an idiot, to be sure, except when he wasn't. His gaze swept over Lily, pausing at the pertinent swells of purple on her arms and the way she hunched over in shame. If only both of them had looked into her eyes.
Notes: For the Dark Side challenge, whee! I think I've been watching too much Supernatural, oi. Also, just so that I might one day finish the damn table, let's say it fits the [info]100quills prompt, "Unforgivable." The rest of my table is here.

One Echo

May 30th, 2009

Darkfic Challenge: Cure For Pain

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Title: Cure for Pain
Author: [info]red_day_dawning
Prompt: Silver chains; Remus/Kingsley
Word count: ~750
Rating: PG-13
Warning: AU (Severus has died on the day of the Hogwarts' Battle, Remus has survived - no Tonks or Teddy); attempted suicide; character death;
Disclaimer: JKR owns the Harry Potter characters and settings. I make no profit here.
Summary: Kingsley tries to save Remus, knowing he will never replace Severus in Remus' heart.
Author's note: Written for the 2009 Darkfic Challenge at [info]lupin_snape. Many thanks to [info]drachenmina for the fabulous beta-reading. Any mistakes are my own.
T'S.Eliot's The Waste Land can be found and downloaded at Project Gutenberg.

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May 28th, 2009

Snupin Darkfic Challenge: What Defines

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Title: What Defines
Author: [info]drachenmina
Rating: PG15
Word Count: 1,500
Pairing(s)/character(s): Severus Snape/Remus Lupin, Remus Lupin/Tonks
Challenge: Dark Side prompt: George Weasley, Tom Riddle, pain
Summary: Non-magic AU. England is under military rule following a coup by Tom Riddle, self-styled First Lord of the Treasury.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Warnings - Highlight for warnings *Betrayal, mention of necrophilia, dead!Fred *
AN: I think it’s safe to say that this ficlet would not have taken anything like the shape it has, were it not for the lovely [info]skitty_kat’s fantastic Red Serpent and in particular the illustration to chapter one, showing Snape smoking.
Thanks to the wonderful [info]red_day_dawning for the beta! *hugs*

What Defines

May 27th, 2009

Dark Side '09: Dark Travails (R)

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Dark Travails

Author: [info]bonfoi
Rating: R
Pairing: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape/Nymphadora Tonks
Summary: The darkness of grief colors so many things, and when secrets are revealed, the black of night is unrelieved.
Challenge: [info]lupin_snape Dark Side Challenge 2009
Word Count: 3,092
Genre: Alternate Universe/Alternate Reality; Postwar; Dark!fic; Romance; Adventure
Highlight for Warnings: * Lust over Harry; D/s (implied); Torture (implied); Threesome (implied) *
Beta: None
A/N: This gave me so much trouble and it took some time in chat (thanks to everyone who was on!) to add some, take some away, and mix liberally with caffeine and chips and chili con queso!

Grief is pain and magic is not the dark, they are the same thing. )

May 20th, 2009

Fic: Chains

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Title: Chains
By: LiteraryBeauty
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Word count:  ~6000
Rated: NC-17
Challenge: Remus Lupin / James Potter / silver chains

Warnings: Bondage, light D/s, angst

Author’s Note: This hasn’t been beta’d, as both my betas have been overloaded lately, so I do apologize for any errors. Also, this is my first submission for this community, and I hope it is enjoyed!



May 18th, 2009

Darkside Challenge Ficlet - Better Than Nothing (NC-17)

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Author: [info]xxlareinaxx
Title: Better Than Nothing
Pairing(s): Severus Snape/Remus Lupin and also - * There is a heavy overtone of Remus/Sirius, though Remus is not actually having sex with Sirius. *
Word Count: 500
Rating: NC-17
Content/Warnings : Angst, Sexual Situations, "Dark" Themes. Specifically - * Snape angst, unhealthy relationships, self-loathing, general feelings of hopelessness *
Darkside Prompt (From The Random Generator): Submission
Notes: Hi :) This is my first post here. Despite the tone of this fic, Severus/Remus IS my OTP.

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and related characters are the properties of JK Rowling. This fanfiction is for entertainment only.

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May 13th, 2009

May Challenge Reminder: Dark Side fest!

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We're almost halfway through May now (gaaah, how did that happen?!), so don't forget that our theme this month is the Dark Side of Snape/Lupin challenge!

Any "dark" theme you can come up with is fair game, from murder and mayhem, to trickery, to betrayal, to horror, to slavery, to torture, to crime and punishment... anything you wish, really!

If you're feeling squeamish about the thought of introducing dark themes to our beloved pairing, don't forget that you certainly don't need to have the darkness split up our heroes, if you don't want to! We've had submissions to this challenge in the past that kept Snape and Lupin entirely devoted to each other... while inflicting a bit of harm on everyone else. *cackle*

But you also don't need to go full-out blood, guts, and gore to qualify. There are links from the sign-up post (below) to discussions we've had before about what constitutes "dark". Be imaginative! You can encompass a broad range of topics with this one.

The sign-up post and prompt generator is still open, if you need inspiration!

You can post your fic or art here at the comm (or on LJ or DW) whenever you're ready this month, and I'll compile a Masterlist on June 1.

Let's go Dark Side!

May 1st, 2009

May Challenge Sign-Ups: The Dark Side of Snape/Lupin

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Welcome to the Third Annual Dark Side of Snape/Lupin Challenge!

The full rules and sign-up procedures: )

Thanks to the [info]lupin_snape mods for letting me play in their sandbox with this fest again this year! For your reference if you are new to the comm or this challenge, have a look through past years' masterlists: Dark Side 2007 | Dark Side 2008

I'm sure I've forgotten something, so ask away if anything is unclear. :) Let's go Dark Side!
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