The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

wolfsbane and potion masters

September 26th, 2009

Ficlet: "Furthermore" (PG)

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[Poking my head out of the laundry room to cross-post...]

Title: Furthermore
Fandoms: Harry Potter and Tennis RPF (with a nod to Prince of Tennis)
Characters: Hooch and Snape/Lupin
Rating: PG
Prompted by: drusilla rain's request for "crack-fic involving Remus, puppies, that pic and Snape"
Side info: Juan Carlos Ferrero's nicknames include "Juanqui" and "Mosquito"
Wordcount: 400

Hooch had seen Snape speechless before, but she never would have bet on a litter of puppies producing that effect. )

September 17th, 2009

Star Quest: Close Encounters

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Title: Star Quest: Close Encounters, by Arionrhod and McKay
Rated: R
Content: non-magical AU, past child abuse, past child molestation
Summary: Antics at a science fiction convention make Severus see his co-star in a new and different light.
Notes: This wasn't written specifically for the crack month challenge, but given the premise, it sort of fits. This was inspired by two different events: John Barrowman's reaction to being kissed by David Tennant and Misha bending Jared over.
Word count: ~37,200

September 16th, 2009

Crack!fic: Remus' Preferred Vintage (NC-17)

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Title: Remus' Preferred Vintage
Author: Omni (aka: rip_von_christ)
Rating: NC-17 (In other words: not work safe)
Warnings: Um... See above?
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters, just the situations in which I am placing them.
Summary: Severus' holiday in France is disrupted by a malfunctioning loo, which results in him having to double-up with another occupant at the hotel. And oh, what a small world it is.
Notes: Taken from prompts tossed my way in chat by lore, Diz, and azurerosa. ;)

And this is where you'll be staying, Monsieur Snape... )

September 15th, 2009

crack recs

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A couple of crack recs, both by the goddess of crack, [info]blpaintchart.  They are both just what the crack!doctor ordered!!  If you haven't read them you should and if you have, well, you know to keep food and beverages away from your computer!  Personally, I can't resist Mr. Whip...what does that say?!

At Moonshadow the Two Boys and a Whip Series
A Magical magazine: Snupin edition written for snupin santa  here


September 14th, 2009

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Title: Art Imitates Life
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Remus/Severus, mentions of Bill/Remus
Challenge: Crack Challenge
Word Count: 1,340
Disclaimer: No blonde hair, no castle, no foul
Warnings: unbeta’d, wall sex, crack

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