The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

October 3rd, 2010

October 3rd, 2010

Mod post: Snupin100, Spooky Snupin, LDWS

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Hey everyone, be sure to vote in the Last Drabble Writer Standing poll if you've ever been interested in doing one. Isisanubis wrote me about it and I know some of you have asked about LDWS for the community in the past, so I told her to go for it!

[info]snupin100's prompt this week is an image. Weeks end on Tuesdays at Snupin100, and there's been no response on IJ and only a couple (very funny) ones on LJ.

Spooky Snupin is underway! Remember, anything goes, from drabbles to full-blown fic. Prompts available for ideas, no need to claim!

Friends and community members, just wanted to say that I'm away, but I'm still reading your journals and want to read your stories and comment on your art. I just seem to be perpetually behind lately. Like we all are, right? ~_^ ♥

love, lore

The Admonishable Prof. Snape [PG13]

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The Admonishable Prof. Snape

Author: [info]bonfoi
Rating: PG13
Pairing: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape
Summary: Faking his death gave Severus Snape a way to find a good life. He just didn’t expect for his past to suddenly show up there.
Challenge: Spooky Snupin 2010: Prompt #11
Word Count: 4,026
Genre: Alternate Universe; Mystery; Romance
Warnings: Attemped Murder; Murder; Autopsy
A/N: I swear these things grow if you leave up overnight! The prompt tried to get away from me but I think I wrangled it back. But! I couldn’t channel Vincent Price’s acting—he truly was a nice guy!

Severus hates looking too closely at his past, at the scars it left upon him.
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