The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

September 26th, 2010

September 26th, 2010

Spooky Snupin Guidelines & Prompts!

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This year, October's challenge is Spooky Snupin!

Q. There are so many cool prompts! How many may I claim?

A. As many as you think you can handle! Commenting to claim a prompt is optional for this challenge, but you may comment to claim if you want to give people a sneak peek.

Q. What if I want the same prompt that someone else wants?

A. No problem! All prompts may be claimed by more than one person and may be used for either a story or art. This is NOT a first come, first served challenge.

Q. Is there a minimum word count?

A. 100 words.

Q. Is there a maximum word count?

A. Nope! If you want to write a novella/novel-length piece, go for it!

Q. What about art?

A. Art can be a sketch, a doodle, a comic, a full color piece - whatever you have time for!

Q. When may I post my story/art?

A. Any time between October 1 and October 31. The challenge will be over at the end of October, so you need to get your spooky contributions in no later than Halloween! If you claim a prompt in September and get it written/drawn right away, please do wait until October 1 to post it.

The prompts are for inspirational purposes, not written/drawn for anyone in particular, so the identity of the prompters will not be revealed. Feel free to take the prompts in any direction you choose!

Spooky Snupin Prompts! )

Severus & Incentive (PG13)

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Severus & Incentive

Author: [info]bonfoi
Rating: PG13
Pairing: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape
Summary: As the war progresses, Remus uses his researching skills and finds he needs incentive to work harder.
Challenge: none
Word Count: 328
Genre: Alternate Reality; Romance; During Second Voldemort War
Warnings: Never was any Remus/Tonks
A/N: A chat!ficlet to encourage our resident students at [info]lupin_snape! More power to the educated!

Seeing Remus struggle to learn something brings out the teacher in Severus.

Fits and Starts [R]

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Fits and Starts

Author: [info]bonfoi
Rating: R
Pairing: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape
Summary: After the death of the Potters and Sirius Black’s run, Remus mourns.
Challenge: none
Word Count: 583
Genre: First Voldemort War
Warnings: Oblique reference to tragic events; Drunk!Remus
A/N: For [info]omni_sama, who needed some Snupin-y mind clearing during chat!

Severus never expected such a chance to happen to him, at such a sorrowful time.
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