The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

September 27th, 2010

September 27th, 2010

Fic: The Pirate, The Professor, and the Ruin of the Empire (Snupin, PG-13)

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Title: The Pirate, The Professor, and the Ruin of the Empire
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 13,260
Summary: Britain is in the grip of the Emperor, while the rightful ruler Lord Albus hides in exile in Scotland. Small bands of pirates form some opposition but it’s going to take a spectacular strike to bring the Empire down for good.
Thanks: drachenmina for the fabulous beta.
Notes: Fantasy Fest entry (yes, a little late), from this prompt: Steampunk universe. R is an airship pirate. S is a scientist/inventor. S is kidnapped by R's crew. Love/hate relationship forms between R and S. S ends up helping R's crew escape capture from "evil empire of doom". Bonus if S joins with the crew in the end.
Thanks, mystery prompter. I had fun!

( The Pirate, The Professor, and the Ruin of the Empire )

Mini-fest kick off!

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The [info]dark_flowers Fall mini fest kicked off today, stay tuned this week for some good art and fics surrounding Severus, Remus and Lily.

First to kick it off was art:

Under the Stars

enjoy and don't forget to leave comments for the authors and artists!

ps, thanks for letting me post here, lore!
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