The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

April 15th, 2010

April 15th, 2010

Snupin Showers 15, part 1

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Good morning, angels! (Yes, it is morning here.)

So I was going to publish a fic today but since my beta still hasn’t sent it back, I will post it later today. (I hope...) Meanwhile I want to have some discussion!

What is your very first Snupiny memory? I know some of us have been in fandom longer than others and read Snupin fics longer but I believe we all have some general idea when the thought of Severus/Remus really crossed our minds that first time. Maybe reading the Prisoner of Azkaban? Reading a fic? Seeing a fan art? Seeing the PoA as a movie? Something completely different?

If you want to, you can of course tell more. Why did you fall in love with the pairing or what was that caught your attention. Anything you’d like to tell! But I’m happy with just some good memories and stories that I know you all have.

I guess I should begin and set an example. My first touch with Snape/Lupin was some five years ago. I had already fallen in love with Remus’s and Severus’s characters reading the HP books but I had never thought about the slashy vibes there. (Oh, my innocence...) I had found fan fiction just months before so I read about anything back then and came across a specific fic. I think its name could be translated as The Potion of Emotions and I had read some fics from the same author before. It was (surprisingly enough) Severus/Remus fic and I just saw the possibilities right then and there and started to search more to read. And, well, here I still am as enthusiastic about all the possibilities as I ever was. :D

Now I have some RL business to do but when I get back home I fully expect to see some posts here! Short or long, I don’t care, but I’d like to hear your stories. :)

Snupin Showers 15, part 2

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Yay, I had to kick my beta a bit but it is still Thursday here.

Title: Moments
Author: [info]sitruunavohveli
Beta: andymort from LJ. Thanks, hon. You are the best. ♥
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1000 words
Pairing: Remus/Severus
Disclaimer: Nothing is mine and JKR is the goddess.
Summary: He was sure that it wouldn’t last very long. Relationships never did when Severus was the other half.
Moments )
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