The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

April 12th, 2010

April 12th, 2010

The Firebird, Part II (of 2) - Snupin Showers Day 10

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Title: The Firebird, Part II
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Severus/Remus
Disclaimer: The characters belong to JK Rowling and the basic storyline to the Russian folk ouvre.
Summary: A Snupin retelling of the fairytale
Author’s Notes: Inspired by the recent rash of fairytale fics in Merlin fandom I wondered about a Snupin fairytale and of course this one leaped to mind. I hope you will enjoy it!

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Snupin Showers 12: Discussion Topic - You seem familiar....

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And now you know why I didn't take a day in Snupin Showers. Emergency showerer at your service!

I'd like you all to share characters, actors, people or couples that remind you of Snape, Remus or Snape/Lupin. And please tell us what it is about the character/couple that makes you think "Snupin!" Or "Remus!", etc., if you can. If you can't, just leave your list and we'll speculate. ^_^

For example, the Fox show "House", I call "the Snape Show" because House just screams "Muggle Snape" to me. He even has ready-made demon on his back, the same way Snape did.

OK, chatting back and forth is highly encouraged, so feel free to jump right in!

love, lore
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