The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

April 11th, 2010

April 11th, 2010

The Firebird, Part I (of 2) - Snupin Showers Day 10

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Title: The Firebird Part I
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Severus/Remus
Disclaimer: The characters belong to JK Rowling and the basic storyline to the Russian folk ouvre.
Summary: A traditional russian fairytale reworked in Snupin fashion.
Author’s Notes: Inspired by the recent rash of fairytale fics in Merlin fandom I wondered about a Snupin fairytale and of course this one leaped to mind. I hope you will enjoy it!

I hope to have part II up today (but it may be tomorrow!) I hope that you will accept Part I as my offering for the day.

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Snupin Showers Pt. 1 - Hymnal

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Good morning~!

Every day in my house starts with music of some kind. So, to begin my day of contributions, I'm starting us off with music. I began a Snupin playlist in iTunes about the same time I started playing Remus in an RPG where we were writing a strong Lupin/Snape romance. That playlist has grown considerably as the game ran for two years before shutting down and new music was constantly being added.

What I share this morning is a paired down version, the original twenty-five song playlist presented in a 'dialogue form', each song alternating perspectives from first Remus to Severus.

The FI Snupin Playlist )

Most of the songs can be played on So, I have created a playlist there with these songs for those who might like to hear samples as well:

Snupin Showers Pt. 2

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Title: Reflections
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,000
Warnings: none
Summary: Two weary men find familiar comfort
Disclaimers: Characters are not mine. I make no claim to them and promise to put them back on the shelf where I found them.

Rain on the windows of the old castle was a melancholy comfort. )
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