The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

August 17th, 2008

August 17th, 2008

Mod Post: Fantasy Fest count-down, Snupin Santa clarification

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Ok, the Fantasy Fest list has been edited. The Long prompts in both art and fiction have been pared down to only claimed prompts. If you would like to recycle your unclaimed Fantasy Fest prompts for [info]snupin_santa, you can find what your prompts here.

Also, we're now just past mid-month, so I'll remind you that there's only a couple weeks left to turn in your Fantasy Fest pieces! If you already have turned in your piece and I haven't marked it on the Fantasy Fest post, please try to leave me a link here.

Finally, in case this is not clear to you, you can delete and repost or add a reply to your Snupin Santa Sign-up as many times as you like or need to until the sign-ups close at the end of August 22. McKay has not put a limit on the sign-ups, so you won't be losing your "place" if you want to edit and repost your sign-up, nor will addendum replies to your own post be rejected.

In conversations with others this weekend, I had the sense that people thought that once their sign-up post went up, they couldn't change it, but that's not true. McKay and your giftee will appreciate you being as clear and thorough as possible when signing up for the exchange. Just don't delete and forget to repost! *grin*

That's all I have! If you have any questions about anything going on here at [info]lupin_snape, don't hesitate to speak up! Thanks, all! ♥

love, lore

Fantasy Fest: Long Fic Prompt #34

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Title: Dear Diary--Part 5
Rating: NC-17
Words: 1,335 (this part)
Warnings: Sirius/Remus, realllllly bad timing
Disclaimer: JKR made 'um, I just take them out to play.
Prompt: 34 -- Fic written as the journal entries of R, S, or both for a year of their relationship. Any time period is great (first war, PoA, OotP, post-war AU?). Angst, UST, complications, first time maybe...but a feel-good fic overall.
Notes: Because this fic is a journal, I'll be posting a few entries at a time. Enjoy! 

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5 )

Comments are always appreciated!

Long Fic Prompt #8: Edinburgh Zoo

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Title: Edinburgh Zoo
Author: Tayefeth
Word Count: ~3400
Rating: PG-13 for mention of animal sexuality
Warning: AU. Voldemort's horcruxes didn't work, and Sinistra is head of Slytherin.
Prompt: S & R courtship including a trip to the zoo. Bonus for one of the lads being rather knowledgeable about interesting/amusing animals. Bigger bonus for legilimens!shagging.
Author's note: All of the animal facts are out of Biological Exhuberance, which had not been published in 1986. Let's just pretend Severus got hold of the original research. Many thanks to my betas, [info]tjwritter and [info]myene01. Sorry the shagging didn't happen. There may be a sequel that covers more of the courtship and the shagging, at some point.

Edinburgh Zoo )

Snupin Santa important dates

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A couple of quick things before I give the timeline:

1) What [info]lore said here is correct: you can add to your sign-up comment with follow-up comments (as long as you reply to your original comment), or you can delete and repost your sign-up comment. As it states in the sign-up post, there is no cap on the number of participants, so revisions are allowed until sign-ups close.

2) Feel free to chat in the sign-up comments. The only thing you can't do is take someone's gift request and start writing/drawing it yourself. Conversation and squee are fine.

August 15 - sign-ups open
August 22 - sign-ups close at midnight PST, which is -8 GMT
August 23 - I will begin matching participants
August 30 - assignments will be sent out no later than this date
November 1 - submissions are due for first time participants
November 10 - submissions are due for return participants
December 1 - gift posting will begin
December 31 - gift posting will end
January 7 - the master list of gifts and participants will be posted, aka The Big Reveal. After this date, you can start archiving your story/art wherever you like.
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