The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

January 1st, 2008

January 1st, 2008

Icons for all [info]snupin_santa participants

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This is it - the very last post for [info]snupin_santa 2007! To everyone who participated - whether you initially signed up or volunteered to pinch hit - a sincere thank you for your time and effort to make this fest a successful one.

We have one last gift, which is a set of icons for the exclusive use of [info]snupin_santa participants, pinch hitters included. If you did not participate in [info]snupin_santa, you may not use these icons! As with last year's batch, these are for participants only.

Participants, feel free to take and use as many as you like, and please credit the artists in your key words, as they generously gave of their time and effort to create the icon art this year. Artists listed here, please feel free to post your ICON art now. We'd love to see the full sizes on [info]lupin_snape, but be sure to note that only [info]snupin_santa participants can make icons from it.

One last note: Please don't forget to vote in the Guessing polls, (extra one here) because January 5 is the big reveal date!

on to the icons! )
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