The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

December 31st, 2007

December 31st, 2007

Happy Birthday, McKay!

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I am working on a fic for you and will post before I leave for Italy - but for right now I wanted to wish you a happy birthday, a healthy and prosperous new year, and plenty of good fic to read in the coming year. You've done a marvelous job with the fest, and all your other fannish work, and you have my gratitude eternally.

Happy Birthday!

Love, Ellid

Fic: "A Number of Quiet Attentions", for shanti_writes

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A Number of Quiet Attentions, for [info]shanti_writes
Rated: NC17
Summary: Severus didn't realize he was being courted at first.
Notes: The title comes from the following quote by Laurence Sterne: "Courtship consists in a number of quiet attentions, not so pointed as to alarm, nor so vague as not to be understood."
Word count: ~2600

Art: "Last Will and Testament", for unsymbolic

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Last Will and Testament, for [info]unsymbolic
Summary: Snape believes in Contingency Plans. Lupin believes in Life.
Rated: work-safe
Notes: Art with an accompanying drabble for background, and a legal document. I tried to capture both lovey and angsty, and hope I succeeded.

Fic: "Letters: A Love Story in Two Parts", for lore

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Letters: A Love Story in Two Parts, for [info]lore
Rated: NC17
Summary: More than kisses, letters mingle souls... ~John Donne
Warnings: Abuse of a book, pre-het
A/N: Many, many thanks go to my betas for asking questions, pointing out things that could be better and beating my grammar into shape. This fic is canon-compliant through HBP. There is no spoon DH.
Word count: ~14,000

Fic: "Too Much of a Good Thing", for arionrhod

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Note: There will be an addition to this post that isn't available yet; I'll update with an announcement when it is.

Too Much of a Good Thing, for [info]arionrhod
Rated: PG
Summary: When he visits Hogwarts library in the middle of the summer, Remus Lupin finds unexpected help with a project of his. And who knew Snape liked Shakespeare?
Warnings: DH is gleefully ignored.
Author's notes: Thanks to A, B, and C for your wonderful help and support! To arionrhod, whose request for "light romantic comedy" set off something in my brain, especially when combined with "Shakespeare-quoting Remus and bibliophile Severus." I hope you like it. Happy holidays!
Word count: ~2400

Snupin Santa Guessing Poll

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That's it! The last gift in Snupin Santa 2007 has been posted! Thanks to everyone who has written, drawn, beta-read, brain-stormed, recced, and/or commented; your contributions as participants and supporters have made the fest a successful one, and I hope everyone enjoyed it. :)

The reveal will occur on January 5, but until then, you've still got time to read, view, comment, catch up - and guess who created what. I've created a poll to include every gift that was posted this year, so take your best guess! I've set the polls so you can see what other people have guessed, but I encourage you to leave your own guess first and don't let other people's guesses influence you, because hey - they might be wrong. ;)

If you need a refresher, you can find all the Snupin Santa gifts HERE listed in the same order as they appear in the poll.

On January 5, I'll post the master list, which will include who created what for whom. After that, I'll begin switching accounts on the website from the Snupin Santa account to the creator's account. If you want your gift switched to your account, please be sure to register at the site before January 5! Also, if your user name at the site is not readily identifiable as you, you need to let me know so I can switch the story/art to the proper account.

Snupin Santa Author/Artist Guessing Poll )


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As mentioned previously, there's an addition to the last gift posted: Too Much of a Good Thing/A Sort of Fairy Tale.

For some reason, I can't add a new poll to the Snupin Santa Poll post, so I'll add the new item here separately.

Poll #777
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

A Sort of Fairy Tale

Okay, that should be it until January 5, and I'm shortly heading out for the day, so have fun catching up and guessing!

Gift for McKay on By Moonlight - Fic and Art

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Title: Professor X
Author: [info]nehalenia
Artist: [info]ships_harry
Rating: fic - NC-17, pic - PG (maybe ;) )
Warnings: Crossdressing, dirty-talk.

For [info]scribbulus_ink: McKay, thank you for all the work you've done on Snupin Santa, for how wonderful you've made it, for any and all crapola you had to put up with (which we're sure was legion) and just for being one of the pillars of the Snupin community. Have a happy birthday, too!

Image preview:

(Link to Professor X; locked on By Moonlight)

Fic: Quiet. (G)

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Title: Quiet.
Rating: G
Pairing: SS/RL
Disclaimer: Not mine.. sadly.
Wordcount: 497 approx..
Warning: Mpreg.
Notes: This is another in the small series I've been turning out occasionally. For reasons that possibly only Brits will understand.. I *really* wanted to call it Armitage Shanks.

Cross posted to LJ.

Quiet )

Fic: A Second Life (PG-13)

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Title: A Second Life
Word Count: 1,500 (15 drabbles at 100 words each)
Rating: up to PG-13
Warnings: None
Author's Notes: A series of connected drabbles written for a prompt table at [info]2008_drabbles and dedicated to [info]scribbulus_ink, as it is her birthday today.

A Second Life
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