The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

November 21st, 2007

November 21st, 2007

Resurrection Fest Masterlist!

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From our masterlist-maker, [info]westernredcedar:
Resurrection Fest Master List! It's Here! Wowzers, we were productive! Our boys couldn't stay dead if they wanted to!

This is organized into three sections: Fic, Art, and Drabbles written for the Week One Challenge issued by [info]lore. I have linked to the first part of any multi-part fic, unless it is not linked within the story, and then all of the parts are listed here.
The List! )

We mods thank Cedar profusely for her time, patience and effort in putting together this list. She went above and beyond, linking all the parts of multi-part fics - please remember to link your work as you go, because future masterlist compilers might not be as generous with their time.

If you find any errors or omissions, please reply here with links or the information that is needed. A huge THANK YOU to everyone who participated! Welcome back Snape and Lupin!!

Beta with German expertise needed....

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I've been sent a beta that I don't think I'm qualified for - a German-speaker needs quite a bit of help making the transition to English. Would anyone like to take this on? 4000 words, NC17, light-heartedly dark. She's hoping to post before December 1. If you are interested in helping out, I'll email you with more information. Thanks!

love, lore
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