The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

November 22nd, 2007

November 22nd, 2007

meta month: Build your own Remus and/or Severus

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This idea was born out of my needing references for a drawing project. Using pictures of real live people (meaning no fan art or drawings of any kind), post features that best fit the features of these boys in your mind. For instance, you can post a photo and say "This has Remus' eyes" or "This is Severus' body type". This means, you do not have to find that perfect match out there (which likely does not exist), but can instead build your own perfect picture of one or both of these guys ala Frankenstein's monster!

The drawing project is going to actually be of Remus, but for fun let's also post some Severus ideas! Also, since the project requires me drawing him nude, nude models are more than welcome (and in fact are greatly encouraged). This means that some of the comments may not be work safe. Please view at your own risk.

Fun: Candid Captions Returns!

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Hi all! Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow Americans, and Happy Random Thursday to everyone else!

In chat yesterday, [info]_lore reminded us all of the fun and gigglesnorts that was the Candid Captions challenge this summer. Well, November Meta Month seems like a perfect opportunity to try a few more, so here we go!

In case you need a reminder, here is how this works. Look at the picture under the cut tag and then write a Snupin-y themed caption for it. You can write for just one character or for all the people in the picture. Please keep your captions Lupin/Snape-focused. You can also use the cut-tag as inspiration, if you need it. This is a oldie but a goody!

What's got him so paranoid? )

Enjoy! I look forward to snorting my gravy and mashed potatoes while reading these. :)
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