The Lunatic Cafe
Lunatic Cafe

February 2019



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Posts Tagged: 'smallville'

Jul. 19th, 2011



[No Subject]

Clark Kent, dressed in his 3-piece suit and glasses, walks into the cafe and finds a seat in a booth. After ordering a coffee, he pulls out a notepad out of his briefcase that holds his Blur jacket.

Thinking for a moment he starts writing, but scratches it out and crumples up the paper.

Was he working on a story? Nope.

He was trying to find the right words for his wedding vows to Lois. And it was giving him problems.

Sep. 29th, 2008



What's that? It's a Buffy!

When Buffy was busy, she tended to be off demon hunting and saving the world.

When she wasn't, well... she could be found doing a lazy patrol around town, which is exactly what she had been doing. Though in reality it was more of a window shopping walkabout with hidden weapons than an actual patrol. And really, who was going to deny her precious yet trivial moments like that? At that mere thought she was tempted to look up and glare, but the slayer felt that would be tempting fate a little too much.

Alas, her window shopping had ended and she'd found herself at the cafe, where she was now looking through the decoration directory of the cafe on a laptop as she sat in the lounge. Oh yes, it was time to start holiday decorating. Sure, it was for Halloween, but it was just that first step before Buffy fully evolved into the Holiday Nazi that she was.

On the brighter side of things, Buffy was sporting a shiny new pair of Jimmy Choos. She probably shouldn't have, but damned if they weren't cute and meant for her to own. So at least her 'patrol' hadn't been in vain.