The Lunatic Cafe
Lunatic Cafe

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Posts Tagged: 'sheri+kim'

May. 15th, 2010


[No Subject]

Celine Dion hadn't been considered amazing by Parissa's age group for years, but when traveling with a friend recently she had heard one of her songs that had hadn't found the aspiring singer's ears for... probably centuries. It's been about that amount of time since Celine was deemed a pop diva hasn't it? At the time she liked the song alright, but due to the status of her life and the whirlwind changes involving a certain someone she wasn't exactly flashing around in the streets as "her boy", the lyrics had really hit her. Like maybe the song was written with the sole purpose of touching her now. Her first performance had been decently received and Sly had inspired her to keep at it. If no one else was going to make the stage worthwhile, she would.

Taking Chances lyrics )

It was evident by the way her voice hit each note and the way her entire body reacted in song that this song meant something to her. Even if it never reached the right person. The intention was there at least.

May. 9th, 2010



What a day...

A tiny black dot appears in the center of the cafe and grows until a huge black oval about eight feet tall and six feet wide is visible. Thickness wise the oval is less than a molecule in depth. Walk to the edge and you wouldn't be able to even see it floating in mid air but face in from the front or rear and you have a portal that leads to... Well who really knows?

A moment after the oval forms floating in air a being that could be described as a nightmare comes strolling out. The figure is easily seven feet tall if not bigger. Massive curling horns crown it's head and jagged and unpleasant angles make up the rest of its face. The fierce horrible image only belies the gentle fun loving soul inside the hulk.

Weirdbard looks around until he catches the eye of a passing waitress. "Something so strong that Silence or Buffy will probably kick my butt once they find out I ordered it." He says as he plops down heavily in a chair that groans under his weight and places his head in his hands as he waits for his drink to arrive.

[No Subject]

When everyone's (well almost everyone's) favorite resident psycho entered the cafe, no one would think something was amiss. And as a matter of fact, nothing was amiss for the moment. Her usual cheery smile was on her face, making it no wonder why people had no problem approaching her. And that same attitude would resume until Sheri decided to claim a table and fiddle with her cellphone. It was then she noticed a text message sent to her phone sometime recently with a picture file. At first Sheri was excited, figuring it was just a silly picture from one of her equally silly friends. That was until the picture loaded.

It was then that the Korean cutie let out a scream of bloody murder.

Was that really...?!

Immediately she typed in her brother's cell number, ready to continue to scream, but this time there would be words involved. That was if she could manage to form them. Unfortunately his phone went to voicemail. So she did the only thing she could do. Shrill into it her disbelief, "JUTO KIM! H-HOW! WHY?!"

Of all people! Her own flesh and blood!

May. 2nd, 2010


[No Subject]

Juto was not exactly a new face among the Cafe, he just was one that kept a low profile. A lurker, if you will. So his appearance wasn't complete with "What is this place" or a shrieking of profanity because of his surprise. No, he'd come to the Lunatic Cafe of his own free will and was looking around for his older sister, Sherazard. Sheri frequented the Cafe more than he did, so it was safe to say that she would be here. He had his first DJing gig coming up and he wanted to ask her to show up. It might not be her scene, but he needed his sister there for support. If he didn't see Sheri himself, he'd see if he could find Kia and ask her to pass word to his sister for him.

With a quick glance around to see if his sister was there, he decided since he didn't see her yet, that he'd wait around. He took a seat at one of the tables and waited for a waitress to come around. He wasn't actually hungry and he didn't require a drink, but it was better than waiting around and looking like a fool. If you saw a guy waiting at a random table on his own without anything to eat or drink, you'll be more likely to think that he was some sort of a creep and Juto didn't want a reputation like that getting around. He couldn't have people thinking he wasn't a ladies man.

Apr. 30th, 2010



There was an off duty employee in the cafe...

Akane "Sly" Vanya was sitting quietly on a couch in the lounge, her eyes closed as she was doing her own variation of meditation. The petite young woman was in her own little world but for some reason chose to be lost in it at the cafe. An odd choice but for her the cafe was a calming source of mostly positive energy.

It was soothing for her.

Though she did have to wonder how she'd missed out on her boss's new holiday of choice. Odd. She must have a blind spot to this place now. That couldn't possibly be a good sign, could it?

Also a bit odd was the fact there were a few old coloring books scattered around her, a box of crayons that had been knocked over at some point, and an open Jem & the Holograms lunchbox with cookies inside.

Apr. 21st, 2010



[No Subject]

It was easy to miss a shift in the shadows when someone wasn't looking. And people rarely looked under tables. This made it a perfect spot to crawl from the shadow and shake dust from an old leather jacket. The beanie and jeans were just as covered but looked to be in good condition. The shirt was neat and pressed. Looking up, he scanned the room behind his sunglasses. He was searching for someone.

When the person proved not to be in immediate sight he cleared the table and stood. A short walk and he was at the bar. He picked up a paper napkin and pen and started to try to compose a note.

[No Subject]

Sabriel was a young man who didn't know a damn thing about the world outside of the "real world" he existed in. Aside from the things that came up in a book he read, a comic, a video game he played or a movie he saw, the unknown was pretty much.. unknown to him. He wasn't the guy who thought about if aliens were real or if there were other dimensions out there. The world around him was what existed and he was chill with that. Then again, he didn't think about much beyond pretty girls, the occasional frat party and trying to make sure he got to his classes on time. And preferably coherent. Sometimes he'd pass out in the back of the classroom and one of his buddies would have to nudge him awake, but that was harmless. Expected, even.

After a long day of trying to absorb last minute knowledge for his finals coming up, he could think of no better way to spend the rest of his day than chilling out in his apartment with a little bit of herbal refreshment. He'd round it off with a round of video games and probably call it a night. However, instead of walking into his apartment when he opened the door, he found himself in an unfamiliar setting.

"Whoa." He looked around in a confused manner, trying to figure out where the hell he was. "Uh, I didn't smoke too much yesterday, did I..?" He wondered, since his apartment was suddenly not his apartment. Instead it was what looked like.. a cafe. Did one of his roommates decide to change things up or something? Or did he walk in the wrong building? The possibilities were endless with Sabriel.