The Lunatic Cafe
Lunatic Cafe

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Posts Tagged: 'final+fantasy+x%7Cx-2:+yuna'

Apr. 27th, 2010


[No Subject]

This wasn’t the ending to my story I had hoped for, Tidus thought as he realized he was beginning to fade away like the Fayth. If this would have been at the beginning of his story he would have had a fit saying “Why me? It’s not fair!” It was amazing how much he truly had matured from when he first appeared in Spira. He had been trying to return to Zanarkand from that very moment but now he wished he could stay. Not only did he make several friends but there was…her.

"Yuna, I have to go."
"I'm sorry I couldn't show you Zanarkand."

It was heartbreaking to see her run at him only to pass through him and fall to the ground. She stands up the pain almost to much to bear with their backs to each other, she says, “ I love you.” He walks up to her from behind and embraces her the best he can saying I love you too in his own way. He didn’t want her to see him fully fade away to nothing so he walks forward and leaps off the airship.

He didn’t fully know what to expect after he jumped. Maybe perhaps he would be sent to the Farplane and see Auron or Jecht. Or he might just fade into nothingness after all he was just a dream. What happen next was the last thing he anticipated, crash landing onto a floor. Tidus quickly stood up and looked around. He was saddened to realized he didn’t recognize the place at all. It looked like a café of sorts accept that it wasn’t anything he had seen in either Zanarkand or Spira. It didn’t matter either way he couldn’t help but hope maybe there was a chance he could see her again. He began whistling the way he had shown and told her that if they got separated to do.

Apr. 22nd, 2010



[No Subject]

One minute Yuna was in the arms of the stranger and the next she was all alone in the Farplane. The despair of feeling completely alone had started to overwhelm her. And the moment she thought it was about to take her over, she could have sworn she heard a whistle. A familiar whistle she had been waiting to hear for far too long.

But instead of returning to a place she recognized, the former summoner was now surrounded by even more strangers.

Oh my, how did I find myself here? I need to get back! Everyone will be so worried about me... but, I can't help but wonder... if... I can find anything about... him here. But, it's been so long. Should I finally give in to the fact he will always just remain in my memories?, her thoughts began to run rampant. Honestly she didn't want to give up on her dream. Not yet. He promised when she needed him he'd be there...

"Okay!," Yuna finally exclaims to no one in particular once she sorted out her inner-doubts. She wouldn't let it get her down. First she had to find out where she was and how to get home. The rest could wait until she was home in Spira again. Maybe she'd even get lucky enough and find some spheres around here to bring back to Rikku and Paine!

Confidence returned in her steps, Yuna walked toward the bar in order to ask around about what had happened to her. Surely someone here could help her.