The Lunatic Cafe
Lunatic Cafe

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Posts Tagged: 'cafe+punching+bag+of+hate'

Apr. 30th, 2010


an; don't falme me!!!1111 if you do your a fooking preps. Fangs.

Ebony had on a black corset with pruple stuff around the outside. She also had on her black boots and black fishnets (basically Hot Topic threw up on her). Her white foundation only made her already pale skin seem flawless and her black eyeliner and red eyeshaow were as prefect as always. A lot of people said she looked like Amy Lee and that was okay because she wasn't some stupid fucking preps. Enoby hadted preps more than anthiung. They were all fake and whatever. Dumeldorf was a prep put he tried to pretend to nbe goth because goths are better. He even cept showing up to the MCR and GC concerts at Hogesmeade but he couldn't fake her out. He was so fucking lame.

She had been looking for Draco because she knew he was fucking Vampire behind her back and she wanted to tell him only preps do stuff like that. ut somehow she ended up in the Lunatic Cafe. She knew she was in the Cafe (because vampires know that kind of stuffs, ok?) even though she had meber been here before.

"OMG11 I just wantedf to see my Draco! Now I may never see him again!!1" Tara sexily started crying tears of blood (and I know they can because mah friend said they did it in vampire choronicals, ok?). She wanted to cut her rists but she didn't have a razor on her. Life wasn't fair!!1 All she wanted to do was love Drako! Now she may never see him again. Or Vampire. With their sexy contacts that make them look like Gerard Way and Joel madden who were so fucking hot!

Not only all this but she sexily stepped in dog crap on her way in! Why was Satan punishing her!?1 It wasn't her fault she wasn't so beautiful!

Oh my Satan! Was that Gerard Way over there? He is soooo hot! He's even hotter in convert. She had seen him like 10 times there. Mayb she shuld go talk to him! Or maybe that was Joel Madden since they luked so much alike!

(ooc note: pb is intentionally as terrible as I can muster. I couldn't resist throwing in some jokes. It's just too easy. Just consider it Sage's commentary or Tara's author notes. Do you know how hard it is to NOT fix typos? )