May. 29th, 2008


3rd Session

In the Dr. Hanover‘s office, Jilleen sat on the soft chair across from the doctor and already discussed what she had done since the last session. “I feel better today. Its as if a something has been vanquished that had been draining my energy in the last few days. Its hard to define, but I feel free now.” Jilleen explained to the doctor. “I think I figured out how these sessions work. Its not so much about making significant break thoughts during the time allotment, its what I do with what I discover of myself between these sessions.”

Jilleen settled back against the soft backing of the chair. “I have all this spare time at the moment to think, to really think.  If I had not been forced to take this leave, I would have buried myself in my work and avoided having to look at myself. Like I have been doing for all these years. Its so much easier to hide under a pile of paperwork.” She paused to draw in some air into her lungs. “Instead I was thrown into a situation where I had  no where to hide. Stripped of my cover.”  

“Its either very clever or a very fortunate coincident .” She smiled at the doctor and then added. “But you will probably try to find some way to make me cry today.” She teased.

Cloud busting )

*(NPC) Dr. Judith Hanover written by Stargazer

May. 20th, 2008


2nd Session

Jilleen placed her hand on the glass of the large view port that looked out into space that was cool to the touch. She had come up to the observation lounge as she waited for her ride to the botanical cruiser for her next session. The view was of the many ships of the fleet which included both of the Mercury-class battlestars. She could not make out which one was the Avalon or the Pacifica out in the distance. As she stood and watched she wondered what her ship would face on its next mission.

Somehow Jilleen felt she had let down her crew mates. They were preparing for a dangerous mission while she was away passing her time on a resort liner while on orders to see a shrink. She was forced off duty, the Admiral had ordered her to take the time off while she sorted herself out. The Admiral knew what was best for her battle group and at this moment it did not include Major Simmons.

So many things to say )

*NPC Judith Hanover written by Stargazer.

May. 7th, 2008


1st Session

There were no special arranged transports to taxi her from the Shangri-la to Concord, but there were regular flights to the botanical cruiser. Several flights in fact occurred daily between the huge resort liner and the agriculture ship. Jilleen was on one of these cargo runs that returned to Concord. The shuttle carried large black tanks of liquid waste in the shuttle's hold. The waste was to be converted and process into fertilizer pellets. It was not a bad flight, the cargo was out of site and the crew were pleasant.

Inside the large hanger bay of Concord, among other smaller ships that ferried food stuffs throughout the fleet, the shuttle pilot gave her directions on where to find the office of Dr. Judith Hanover. It was practically the farthest point of the ship,from the hanger deck and the distribution center. She had been on the Concord before on business, but she had never known that there was a psychotherapist aboard. Her name was on the list that was attached to her orders, among a few others. Dr. Hanover was highly recommended on the list and one that was available to see her.

Farmer's ship )

(npc) Dr. Judith Hanover is written by stargazer.