Mar. 19th, 2008


53 Icons: SGA & Stargate Cast

Originally posted 8 July 2007:

40 SGA
13 Stargate Cast as themselves or in other projects

++ ++ ++ ++

Read more... )

- Comments are treasured.
- Credit is appreciated but not required; please don't claim as your own work.
- Textless icons are not bases; please do not alter.
- Brush after each meal.</small>

Constructive criticism welcomed.

- SGA caps come from various sources and were used in [info]lantis_lims
- RDA caps come from various sources and were used in [info]oneill_icontest
- MS caps were provided by [info]whisper99


112 Icons: IBAR Celebration

Originally posted 6 August 2007:

I was hoping to have more new icons in celebration of International Blog Against Racism Week but I've run out of time. I started with pics snagged from the PicSpam in Sage-Theory's LJ, augmented it with a few pics from Eureka and Babylon 5, sprinkled in a tiny bit of CSI: NY at the request of [info]jalabert, and couldn't resist pulling up some of my older icons to finish it off.

Fandoms represented: Andromeda, Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica, Criminal Minds, CSI, CSI: NY, Dark Angel, Doctor Who, Dresden Files, Eureka, Firefly, Heroes, Lost, SG-1, SGA, Torchwood, Witchblade, Sin City, and Will Smith. Yes, Will Smith is a fandom unto himself.


Without further ado, a Celebration of Diversity in Sci Fi )
- Comments are treasured.
- Credit is appreciated but not required; please don't claim as your own work.
- If you want to add text related to IBAR, please do.
- Know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em.

Constructive criticism welcomed.