Mon, May. 19th, 2014, 01:31 pm
[info]atdelphi: Final HP Beholder Master List and Reveals

With this final post, [info]hp_beholder will be closing its doors. Seven years—what a run! (That's long enough, you may note, to complete a Hogwarts education.) I want to thank first and foremost [info]bethbethbeth for creating this wonderful fest, which has been a home away from home for fans like me. I don't think there is anything I can do or say to properly convey how much joy I've found here.

Thank you to those who been here since the beginning, and to those who took part for the first time this year.

Thank you to every generous pinch-hitter and commenter.

Thank you to everyone who pioneered a pairing here, and to those who made someone's year by gifting them with their favourite rare ship.

Thank you to everyone who challenged themselves, indulged themselves, and took a chance on creating or enjoying something different.

Over the next year, I'll be working to clean up the tags and back up everything on Dreamwidth so that this wonderful collection will endure as an archive of some of the best, most original, and most thoughtful works the Harry Potter fandom has to offer. If you publish on AO3, please consider adding your work to the HP Beholder collection.

Now, with no further ado, here are this year's authors and artists revealed:




Artists: please give me the new links for your art as soon as you re-upload, so that I can update the coding. And Authors: if you'd like me to add a preferred redirect for your stories, just let me know!

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for making this such a special community.

Thu, May. 15th, 2014, 02:48 pm
[info]atdelphi: HP Beholder Final Anonymous Round-Up

Here's one last round-up before reveals are posted on Monday, May 19th. What a wonderful collection we have this year!


  • "To That Which Improves with Age" (Albus Dumbledore/Horace Slughorn. PG13.) for purplefluffycat
  • " Untitled Andromeda/Sybill" (Andromeda Tonks/Sybill Trelawney. R.) for tarteaucitron


  • "Roses in December" (Minerva McGonagall/Neville Longbottom. R.) for odogoddess
  • "The Dim Light From Which Falls Stars" (Aurora Sinistra/Emmeline Vance. PG13.) for venturous
  • "Dirigible Plum" (Albus Dumbledore/Xenophilius Lovegood. PG13.) for wwmrsweasleydo
  • "Why Would You" (Millicent Bulstrode/Viktor Krum. PG13.) for alisanne
  • "Could Not Love You Any Better" (Amelia Bones/Charity Burbage. PG13.) for miramiraficfic
  • "Brittle" (Peter Pettigrew/Garrick Ollivander. R.) for magnetic_pole
  • "Enough for Now" (Minerva McGonagall/Augusta Longbottom, Amelia Bones/Severus Snape. R.) for kellychambliss
  • "The Perils of Arousal on School Grounds" (Dudley Dursley/Millicent Bulstrode. R.) for nothorse
  • "Nobody's Hero (Except for Maybe Yours)" (Antonin Dolohov/Draco Malfoy. PG.) for rilla_licious
  • "By Theft or Force" (Dolores Umbridge/Arabella Figg. NC17.) for _hannelore
  • "Fools in Love" (Julian Williamson/Nymphadora Tonks, Alastor Moody/Nymphadora Tonks. NC17.) for raven_cromwell
  • "Sanctuary" (Millicent/Hermione, past Millicent/Viktor Krum. PG.) for the HP Beholder Community
  • "Centaurs and Merfolk" (Millicent Bulstrode/Dudley Dursley, past Millicent Bulstrode/Vincent Crabbe. PG.) for anguis_1
  • "No Charity" (Aunt Marge/Rita Skeeter. PG.) for donnaimmaculata
  • "The Ten Month Career of Professor R. J. Lupin" (Lupin/McGonagall, Snape/McGonagall. PG-13.) for shadowycat
  • "A Lonely Road" (Severus Snape/Aberforth Dumbledore. R.) for the HP Beholder Community
  • "Twists of Fate" (Emmeline Vance/Amelia Bones. PG-13.) for dexstarr
  • "Be Here Now" (Antonin Dolohov/Various. PG-13.) for alley_skywalker
  • "we lay together on a cold hard floor" (Peter Pettigrew/Severus Snape. R, Underage.) for mindabbles
  • "A Night to Remember" (Amelia Bones/Rufus Scrimgeour. R.) for the HP Beholder Community
  • "A Guide and Not a Jailer" (Alastor Moody/Nymphadora Tonks. NC-17.) for ragdoll
  • "A Properly Improper Love Affair" (Garrick Ollivander/Pomona Sprout. PG-13.) for katmarajade
  • "A Gramarye of Folk Magic" (Aberforth Dumbledore/Severus Snape. NC-17.) for evensong14
  • "Cat Ladies" (Arabella Figg/Dolores Umbridge. PG.) for The HP Beholder Community
  • "Straight on 'Till Morning" (Rufus Scrimgeour/Alastor Moody. PG-13.) for fluffyllama
  • "Working Things Out -aka- The Delicate Dance of the Happy Tentacula" (Undisclosed. R.) for the HP Beholder Community
  • "Elegy for a Goat" (Aberforth Dumbledore/Severus Snape. PG-13.) for pauraque
  • "A Short Treatise on the Social Lives of Ghosts" (Cuthbert Binns/Grey Lady, Cuthbert Binns/Horace Slughorn, Moaning Myrtle/Nearly Headless Nick, The Fat Friar/The Wailing Widow. PG.) for the HP Beholder Pinch Hitters

    If you have not yet had time to read or view your gift, please consider touching base with your author/artist (or with me) before the reveals.
  • Sat, May. 10th, 2014, 01:15 pm
    [info]atdelphi: HP Beholder 2014 Round-Up #5

    Our last stories are going up next week, so I am declaring the entirety of the weekend time for everyone to catch up on their reading and viewing! If you've posted any recs, please let me know by leaving a link in a comment below.


  • " Untitled Andromeda/Sybill" (Andromeda Tonks/Sybill Trelawney. R.) for tarteaucitron


  • "A Guide and Not a Jailer" (Alastor Moody/Nymphadora Tonks. NC-17.) for ragdoll
  • "A Properly Improper Love Affair" (Garrick Ollivander/Pomona Sprout. PG-13.) for katmarajade
  • "A Gramarye of Folk Magic" (Aberforth Dumbledore/Severus Snape. NC-17.) for evensong14
  • "Cat Ladies" (Arabella Figg/Dolores Umbridge. PG.) for The HP Beholder Community
  • "Straight on 'Till Morning" (Rufus Scrimgeour/Alastor Moody. PG-13.) for fluffyllama
  • Sat, May. 3rd, 2014, 12:52 pm
    [info]atdelphi: HP Beholder 2014 Round-Up #4

    It's that time again! This is an opportunity to catch up on your reading and show the authors some love. If you've recommended any of the works below, please leave a comment here with a link to the rec!


  • "The Ten Month Career of Professor R. J. Lupin" (Lupin/McGonagall, Snape/McGonagall. PG-13.) for shadowycat
  • "A Lonely Road" (Severus Snape/Aberforth Dumbledore. R.) for the HP Beholder Community
  • "Twists of Fate" (Emmeline Vance/Amelia Bones. PG-13.) for dexstarr
  • "Be Here Now" (Antonin Dolohov/Various. PG-13.) for alley_skywalker
  • "we lay together on a cold hard floor" (Peter Pettigrew/Severus Snape. R, Underage.) for mindabbles
  • "A Night to Remember" (Amelia Bones/Rufus Scrimgeour. R.) for the HP Beholder Community
  • Sat, Apr. 26th, 2014, 01:30 pm
    [info]atdelphi: HP Beholder 2014 Round-Up #3

    This is an opportunity to catch up on your reading and show the authors some love. If you've recommended any of the works below, please leave a comment here with a link to the rec!


  • "To That Which Improves with Age" (Albus Dumbledore/Horace Slughorn. PG13.) for purplefluffycat


  • "By Theft or Force" (Dolores Umbridge/Arabella Figg. NC17.) for _hannelore
  • "Fools in Love" (Julian Williamson/Nymphadora Tonks, Alastor Moody/Nymphadora Tonks. NC17.) for raven_cromwell
  • "Sanctuary" (Millicent/Hermione, past Millicent/Viktor Krum. PG.) for the HP Beholder Community
  • "Centaurs and Merfolk" (Millicent Bulstrode/Dudley Dursley, past Millicent Bulstrode/Vincent Crabbe. PG.) for anguis_1
  • "No Charity" (Aunt Marge/Rita Skeeter. PG.) for donnaimmaculata
  • Sat, Apr. 19th, 2014, 05:31 pm
    [info]atdelphi: HP Beholder 2014 Round-Up #2

    This is an opportunity to catch up on your reading and show the authors some love. If you've recommended any of the stories below, please leave a comment here with a link to the rec!


  • "Why Would You" (Millicent Bulstrode/Viktor Krum. PG13.) for alisanne
  • "Could Not Love You Any Better" (Amelia Bones/Charity Burbage. PG13.) for miramiraficfic
  • "Brittle" (Peter Pettigrew/Garrick Ollivander. R.) for magnetic_pole
  • "Enough for Now" (Minerva McGonagall/Augusta Longbottom, Amelia Bones/Severus Snape. R.) for kellychambliss
  • "The Perils of Arousal on School Grounds" (Dudley Dursley/Millicent Bulstrode. R.) for nothorse
  • "Nobody's Hero (Except for Maybe Yours)" (Antonin Dolohov/Draco Malfoy. PG.) for rilla_licious
  • Sat, Apr. 12th, 2014, 03:48 pm
    [info]atdelphi: HP Beholder 2014 Round-Up #1

    Posting will continue on Sunday, but this is an opportunity to catch up on your reading and show the authors some love. If you've recommended any of the stories below, please leave a comment here with a link to the rec!


  • "Roses in December" (Minerva McGonagall/Neville Longbottom. R.) for odogoddess
  • "The Dim Light From Which Falls Stars" (Aurora Sinistra/Emmeline Vance. PG13.) for venturous
  • "Dirigible Plum" (Albus Dumbledore/Xenophilius Lovegood. PG13.) for wwmrsweasleydo
  • Tue, Apr. 8th, 2014, 06:40 pm
    [info]atdelphi: Beholder Posting Begins Tomorrow!

    I'm pleased to announce that in a little less 24 hours, posting will begin for the 2014 round of HP Beholder. One work per day will be posted in the late afternoon, Pacific Time, with a break on Saturdays for everyone to catch up and show the creators some love.

    I look forward to seeing you there!

    Fri, Mar. 28th, 2014, 09:43 am
    [info]atdelphi: Beholder Works Due!

    The deadline for submitting your Beholder works has now passed, and unfortunately I've only received a handful so far. If you've already been in touch regarding an extension, I'm very grateful, but if you haven't yet contacted me (or are under the impression you've contacted me and haven't yet received a response), please check your email and/or drop me a line at as soon as possible.

    Sun, Feb. 9th, 2014, 05:08 pm
    [info]atdelphi: Assignments Are Out!

    Assignments went out on Saturday, and I have heard back from nearly everyone. If you think you haven't received your assignment, please contact me at beholder.mod at gmail dot com (after checking your spam folder) and I can re-send.

    Fri, Feb. 7th, 2014, 09:33 am
    [info]atdelphi: Our 2014 Line-Up

    Thank you to everybody who signed up for this year's exchange, or who helped spread the word. We have 34 wonderful authors and artists taking part this year!

    Participant List )

    (If I've left someone off, please let me know.)

    Assignments will be going out later this weekend. If you missed the sign-up deadline but are still interested in potentially helping out as a pinch-hitter, please email me at beholder.mod at gmail dot com or comment here for the fuzzy warm feeling of being tremendously appreciated.

    Tue, Feb. 4th, 2014, 06:53 pm
    [info]atdelphi: Two Days Left to Sign Up!

    Just a reminder that the sign-up post will be closing at 6:00PM Pacific Time on Thursday, February 6th—so there's still time to join in.

    Thu, Jan. 30th, 2014, 08:10 am
    [info]atdelphi: HP Beholder 2014 Sign-Ups!


    Welcome to the seventh round of [info]hp_beholder! Once again, we're here to bring a little love (or lust) into the lives of our favourite Harry Potter characters who are otherwise often overlooked.

    Sign-ups are now open and will remain so until 6:00PM (Pacific Time) on Thursday, February 6th. Assignments will go out on the following weekend. Completed, edited stories and artwork are due by 11:59PM (Pacific Time) on Thursday, March 27th.

    If you have not already done so, please read the updated community information here, which includes general guidelines, additional tips for writing your request, and this year's schedule.

    Please copy/paste the sign-up template hidden below the cut... )

    List of Qualifying Characters

    Below is the list of characters from which at least one member of the pairing/threesome/moresome in each fanwork must be selected.

    (adult) Dumbledore Aberforth Dumbledore Alecto Carrow
    Amycus Carrow Arthur Weasley Molly Weasley
    Dedalus Diggle Augusta Longbottom Professor Binns
    Bloody Baron Grey Lady Barty Crouch, Sr
    Vincent Crabbe Gregory Goyle Aunt Marge
    Dudley Dursley Petunia Dursley Vernon Dursley
    Eileen Prince Elphias Doge Tobias Snape
    Fat Friar Fenrir Greyback Arabella. Figg
    Argus Filch Firenze Filius Flitwick
    Cornelius Fudge Griphook Professor Grubbly-Plank
    Rubeus Hagrid (Rolanda/Xiomara) Hooch Igor Karkaroff
    Olympe Maxime Marcus Flint Marietta Edgecombe
    Marvolo Gaunt Merope Gaunt Walden Macnair
    Minerva McGonagall Millicent Bulstrode Moaning Myrtle
    Alastor Moody Mundungus Fletcher Mr. Ollivander
    Peter Pettigrew Irma Pince Poppy Pomfrey
    Quirinus Quirrell Rabastan LeStrangeMadam Rosmerta
    Rufus Scrimgeour (Aurora) SinistraSybill Trelawney
    Rita SkeeterHorace Slughorn Pomona Sprout
    Ernie Prang Stan Shunpike Tom (of the Leaky Cauldron)
    Dolores Umbridge Walburga BlackXenophilus Lovegood
    Viktor Krum Charity Burbage Nearly-Headless Nick
    Morfin Gaunt Abraxas Malfoy Antonin Dolohov
    Aunt Muriel Andromeda Tonks Amelia Bones
    Griselda Marchbanks John Dawlish Septima Vector
    Apollyon Pringle Silvanus Kettleburn Augustus Rookwood
    Bane Ted Tonks Yaxley

    Things to Keep in Mind:
    1. Please do some research before creating fic or art about places and peoples with which you're only vaguely familiar, and ensure that your work and your sign-up don't perpetuate oppressive, discriminatory tropes and attitudes. The Beholder community has been pretty good so far in these areas, and it would be great if we could keep it that way. If you have any questions about whether your work might be problematic in its conception or execution, write to the Mod.

    2. This exchange is anonymous. I will be posting all completed works to the community to preserve the authors' and artists' anonymity until the end of the exchange. To that end, please make sure that your work is free of any identifying markers (such as a signature or watermark on art and the appearance of established OCs in stories) and that you remain discreet in your journals.

    3. All completed work—1500-word minimum files (.txt or .rtf or .doc) with html coding on stories, please—and all questions should be sent to me at: beholder.mod [at] gmail [dot] com. Please use appropriate content notes when submitting your work. Warnings for non-consensual or dubiously consensual activity, or for sexual activity involving any character under the age of 18, are mandatory.

    If you defaulted last year, or had to be contacted after missing deadlines, you are welcome to take part again. However, I would ask that you commit to meeting this year's set deadline.

    Thu, Jan. 16th, 2014, 06:49 am
    [info]atdelphi: Two Weeks to HP Beholder!

    Welcome to the seventh round of [info]hp_beholder!

    This exchange is for f/f, f/m, m/m, and poly works that focus on unconventionally attractive Harry Potter characters. This is no mere rare-pairing fest! Here you will find the very large, the very small, the well-weathered, the silver-haired, and wizards and witches with interesting faces who are under-represented in fic and art by those who do not appreciate their charms.

    While you're waiting for the sign-up post, please take a moment to review the rules below.

    General Information

    [info]hp_beholder was created by the incomparable [info]bethbethbeth as a Harry Potter fanfiction and fanart exchange focusing on romantic and sexual relationships involving those characters from canon oft-overlooked because of age, size, or unconventional features. The exchange welcomes works of all ratings, provided the focus remains on a qualifying character's romantic and/or sexual life.

    The exchange will take place on Insanejournal, with mirror communities on Livejournal and Dreamwidth. Non-IJ users can sign in and leave comments on the IJ community through OpenID. There is also an LJ RSS feed here:, and one for DW here:

    List of Qualifying Characters

    Below is the list of characters from which at least one member of the pairing/threesome/moresome in each fanwork must be selected.

    (adult) Dumbledore Aberforth Dumbledore Alecto Carrow
    Amycus Carrow Arthur Weasley Molly Weasley
    Dedalus Diggle Augusta Longbottom Professor Binns
    Bloody Baron Grey Lady Barty Crouch, Sr
    Vincent Crabbe Gregory Goyle Aunt Marge
    Dudley Dursley Petunia Dursley Vernon Dursley
    Eileen Prince Elphias Doge Tobias Snape
    Fat Friar Fenrir Greyback Arabella. Figg
    Argus Filch Firenze Filius Flitwick
    Cornelius Fudge Griphook Professor Grubbly-Plank
    Rubeus Hagrid (Rolanda/Xiomara) Hooch Igor Karkaroff
    Olympe Maxime Marcus Flint Marietta Edgecombe
    Marvolo Gaunt Merope Gaunt Walden Macnair
    Minerva McGonagall Millicent Bulstrode Moaning Myrtle
    Alastor Moody Mundungus Fletcher Mr. Ollivander
    Peter Pettigrew Irma Pince Poppy Pomfrey
    Quirinus Quirrell Rabastan LeStrangeMadam Rosmerta
    Rufus Scrimgeour (Aurora) SinistraSybill Trelawney
    Rita SkeeterHorace Slughorn Pomona Sprout
    Ernie Prang Stan Shunpike Tom (of the Leaky Cauldron)
    Dolores Umbridge Walburga BlackXenophilus Lovegood
    Viktor Krum Charity Burbage Nearly-Headless Nick
    Morfin Gaunt Abraxas Malfoy Antonin Dolohov
    Aunt Muriel Andromeda Tonks Amelia Bones
    Griselda Marchbanks John Dawlish Septima Vector
    Apollyon Pringle Silvanus Kettleburn Augustus Rookwood
    Bane Ted Tonks Yaxley

    Sign-ups will begin on January 30th, but for those early birds who like to get a head start, please see the template below.

    Sign-Up Template )

    Who Can I Reject?

    When you're trying to figure out who to exclude from the characters you're willing to give or receive (remember, you have a maximum of ten characters you can reject), there are three separate groups of characters you can take into consideration.

    A. The first is the group made up of the characters who are the focus of this exchange—and you can certainly choose all ten of your "rejected characters" from the Beholder list.

    B. Some or all of the characters to exclude might be non-Beholder characters. Below is a list of some of the most popular individual characters from other exchanges.

    Bill Weasley
    Draco Malfoy
    Ginny Weasley
    Harry Potter
    Hermione Granger
    Lucius Malfoy
    Luna Lovegood
    Narcissa Malfoy
    Neville Longbottom
    Regulus Black
    Remus Lupin
    Ron Weasley
    Sirius Black
    Severus Snape

    C. The third group is "The Others." This group is every single HP character who isn't specifically mentioned in A and B above. Choosing "The Others" counts as one entry on your list and guarantees that you won't receive a story featuring one of your five favorites paired with an obscure non-Beholder character. However, rejecting "The Others" also ensures you won't get a story or art in which the main pairing includes characters who aren't in A or B and who you actually like, such as Kingsley Shacklebolt or Pansy Parkinson or Nymphadora Tonks.

    Additional Questions

    Can I request Severus Snape or Pansy Parkinson, even though they're not on the Beholder List?

    No. Only characters on the Beholder List above should appear on your lists of characters you would like to see featured in your gift or characters you would like to write or draw. You can mention extra characters in your optional Additional Likes and Dislikes section, but your author or artist is not required to incorporate elements from that section.

    My recipient listed four characters I despise in their requests: does this mean I have to write about characters I hate?

    Nope! You only have to write about one character from their request list, and since you offered at least one of the characters your recipient requested, this shouldn't be a problem.

    But I thought I had to write about a romantic and/or erotic pairing. Like I said, my recipient only has one character on their request list who I'd even consider writing about.

    That's okay! As long as that character is paired with somebody who isn't on your recipient's "unwilling to receive" list, that's fine.

    Even if the other character in the pairing is, like, Harry Potter?


    But he's not undesirable!

    Well, no, not to most people. In any case, only one character in the primary pairing has to be on the Beholder List. As noted above, the other character in the pairing can be any canon character who isn't on your reipient's "unwilling to receive" list.

    So...can I write a story in which the primary pairing combines the one listed character my recipient and I have in common with Harry Potter, even though that listed character is a man and so is Harry—and my recipient doesn't want slash?

    Okay, now you're just trying to be difficult, aren't you? *g*

    No, you can't write a male/male pairing if your recipient wants to receive het. However, if you said you'd only write slash, you won't be asked to create a gift for a het-only recipient.

    Hey, I'm the recipient. I received a story that doesn't exactly ignore any of the things I mentioned in my sign-up, wasn't really my favorite pairing. Why didn't they write the pairing I wanted?

    Well, first of all, sorry about that. I wish you had loved the pairing you received. But honestly, this exchange was set up so that you'd get a chance to read (and write) about your favorite mostly-unloved characters, not your favorite rare pairings. Maybe next time? As we're dealing with a large number of underrepresented characters, the numbers simply don't bear up to matching by pairing.

    Can I write Non-Con or Dub-Con?

    If your recipient has requested it, absolutely. However, the spirit of Beholder is one of exploring the romantic and sexual appeal of characters who are often dismissed for not fitting certain expectations of attractiveness. If the erotic charge of a work comes from the violation of a conventionally attractive character by a character whose unattractivess is presented as part of their monstrousness, that work may not be an appropriate fit here.

    Can I write a story where Slughorn goes on a diet and grows a foot taller and uses a time turner so that he can be 21 years old again?

    Slughorn's size (to take just one example) is one of the things that keeps him from being a popular character where most romance fics or artworks are concerned. If an HP Beholder participant asks for a Slughorn-centric story or artwork, s/he probably wants to see a rotund Slughorn. In other words, you probably shouldn't offer to write or draw characters unless you actually appreciate their less traditionally appealing qualities.

    I'm so excited about this! I want to fulfill all my recipients requests and write six different stories and paint three different portraits and...seriously, can I give more than one gift?

    Yes, you can (you over-enthusiastic participant, you!), but one at a time, please.

    Does my pairing have to include Snape?

    Only if you want to butter up the mod.

    Additional points to keep in mind:

    1. Please do some research before creating fic or art about places and peoples with which you're only vaguely familiar, and ensure that your work and your sign-up don't perpetuate oppressive, discriminatory tropes and attitudes. The Beholder community has been pretty good so far in these areas, and it would be great if we could keep it that way. If you have any questions about whether your work might be problematic in its conception or execution, write to the Mod.

    2. This exchange is anonymous. I will be posting all completed works to the community to preserve the authors' and artists' anonymity until the end of the exchange. To that end, please make sure that your work is free of any identifying markers (such as a signature or watermark on art and the appearance of established OCs in stories) and that you remain discreet in your journals.

    3. All completed work—1500-word minimum files (.txt or .rtf or .doc) with html coding on stories, please—and all questions should be sent to me at: beholder.mod [at] gmail [dot] com. Please use appropriate content notes when submitting your work. Warnings for non-consensual or dubiously consensual activity, or for sexual activity involving any character under the age of 18, are mandatory.

    For the 2013 edition, the timeline is as follows:

  • Sign-ups begin January 30th
  • Sign-ups end February 6th
  • Assignments sent out February 9th
  • Submission deadline March 27th
  • Posting starts April 9th

    Hope to see you all in two weeks!
  • Sat, May. 25th, 2013, 06:20 pm
    [info]atdelphi: HP Beholder 2012 Fic & Art Master List - REVEALS

    Here it is: the 49 creations from this year's [info]hp_beholder exchange, now with creators' names revealed. Authors and Artists: you're now at liberty to reply to comments and to repost your work wherever you like.

    Artists: please give me the new links for your art as soon as you re-upload, so that I can update the coding. And Authors: if you'd like me to add a preferred redirect for your stories, just let me know!

    There's also a collection on the Archive of Our Own (AO3) for those of you who are interested in adding your hp_beholder fic. You can find the collection here:

    ART )

    ART & FIC )

    FIC )


    Finally, I would like to offer my sincere thanks to everyone who participated this year, and to everyone who took the time to read, review, and recommend. My gratitude also to those who volunteered to pinch-hit or assist with alternative arrangements, and to [info]chaos_rose, who was an immense help behind the scenes, and without whom this year would not have run so smoothly.

    I had an amazing time, and I hope you all did too. Here's to Beholder 2013, and to doing it all again next year!

    Fri, May. 17th, 2013, 05:08 pm
    [info]atdelphi: Reminder: Reveals Will Take Place on May 25th

    Just a reminder that author/artist reveals will be taking place on May 25th.

    This is currently a catch-up period for people to read/view and comment on anything they might have bookmarked during the posting run. Creators are asked to please refrain from replying to comments on their work until after the reveals.

    Thu, May. 16th, 2013, 05:53 pm
    [info]atdelphi: HP Beholder 2013 Anonymous Fic and Art Master List

    Artist and Author reveals for HP Beholder 2013 will be posted on Saturday, May 25th (in other words, our participants are still anonymous!), so take advantage of the coming week to catch up on the 5 pieces of art and 44 stories that our wonderful, talented participants have contributed this round.

    ART )

    ART & FIC )

    FIC )

    Once again, please feel free to leave a comment to this post with links to any recs you've made recently. No coding necessary: simple links to the posts in which you made the recs will do.

    Thanks so much!

    Wed, May. 15th, 2013, 06:14 pm
    [info]atdelphi: Thank You, Beholders!

    With today's entries - "A Living Memory" (Fic, Viktor Krum/Harry Potter, R) and "Frog, Paper, Scissors" (ART, Millicent Bulstrode/Marietta Edgecombe, Viktor Krum/Draco Malfoy, NC17.) - we have officially reached the end of the 2013 HP Beholder exchange posting.

    Tomorrow, the (anonymous) Fic and Art Master List will go up, and next Saturday, May 25th will be the Author and Artist Reveals.

    Please take advantage of the time before the reveals to catch up on your reading/viewing and feedback!

    Sat, May. 11th, 2013, 08:41 am
    [info]atdelphi: HP Beholder 2013 Round-Up #5

    Hello, HP Beholder fans!

    Posting will continue on Sunday morning (Pacific Time), but this is once again an opportunity to catch up on your reading and viewing, and on showing the creators some love.


  • "Moment" (Minerva McGonagall/Poppy Pomfrey. PG.) for chaos_rose (on LJ)


  • "A Dictionary of Silence" (Mad-Eye Moody/Remus Lupin. R.) for farad (on LJ)
  • "The Barley Fields" (Isobel (Ross) McGonagall/Robert McGonagall; Minerva McGonagall/Dougal McGregor. PG13.) for nevrafire (on LJ)
  • "A Petty Argument" (Antonin Dolohov/Lucius Malfoy. PG13.) for alley_skywalker (on LJ)
  • "The Cat and the Parasol" (Sybill Trelawney/Minerva McGonagall. NC17.) for fluffyllama (on LJ)
  • "Salazar's Curse" (Severus Snape/Yaxley. R.) for magnetic_pole (on LJ)
  • "Colour to a Sunset Sky" (Oliver Wood/Gregory Goyle. NC17.) for cuorefreddo (on LJ)
  • "The Aftermath" (Charity Burbage/Hermione Granger, Dudley Dursley/Neville Longbottom, Pomona Sprout/Minerva McGonagall. PG13.) for songquake (on LJ)
  • "Do Pass Go" (Millicent Bulstrode/Dudley Dursley. PG.) for alisanne (on LJ)
  • "Your Battle Scars" (Marietta Edgecombe/Cho Chang. PG.) for brightflower (on LJ)


    Note: Please leave a comment on this post with links to any [info]hp_beholder recs you've made recently. No coding necessary: links to the posts in which you made the recs will do.

    Thank you!
  • Sat, May. 4th, 2013, 07:58 am
    [info]atdelphi: HP Beholder 2013 Round-Up #4

    Hello, HP Beholder fans!

    Posting will continue on Sunday morning (Pacific Time), but this is once again an opportunity to catch up on your reading and viewing, and on showing the creators some love.


  • "Constant Vigilance" and "More Than Skin Deep" (Sybill Trelawney/ Alastor Moody, Nymphadora Tonks/ Alastor Moody. NC17.) for ragdoll (on LJ)


  • "The Reluctant Phoenix" (Albus Dumbledore/Minerva McGonagall, Horace Slughorn/Elphias Doge, Albus Dumbledore/Horace Slughorn. NC17.) for dueltastic (on LJ)
  • "Light Breaks Where No Sun Shines" (Irma Pince/Eloise Midgen. PG.) for dexstarr (on LJ)
  • "The Spirit Is Willing (And the Flesh Is Weak)" (Neville Longbottom/Millicent Bulstrode, Neville Longbottom/Millicent Bulstrode/Moaning Myrtle. NC17.) for nothorse (on LJ)
  • "Two Capable Women" (Irma Pince/Minerva McGonagall. R.) for albalark (on LJ)
  • "Fallow Fields" (Pomona Sprout/Severus Snape. R.) for shadowycat (on LJ)
  • "Calm Before the Storm" (Minerva McGonagall/Madam Rosmerta. PG.) for escribo (on LJ)
  • "Safe as Houses" (Mundungus Fletcher/Hestia Jones, Dudley Dursley/Dedalus Diggle. PG13.) for teshara (on LJ)


    Note: Please leave a comment on this post with links to any [info]hp_beholder recs you've made recently. No coding necessary: links to the posts in which you made the recs will do.

    Thank you!
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