Apr. 29th, 2012


New comm: [info]hp_may_madness

From their initial post:

Welcome to [info]hp_may_madness. And it is madness. We’d like to challenge you and ourselves to write 200 words (or more) every day for the month of May. Have you always wanted to do NaNoWriMo but don’t have time for over one thousand words a day? Don’t have time in November? Need a little prompting from the studio audience? This is the place. We’ll have daily prompts and some challenges within the challenge. Of course, you don’t have to use them (yeah we’re easy that way… probably in other ways too). All HP pairings are welcome; we would like couples, threesomes (or moresomes) because love and lust are in the air. Porn without plot? Perfect! Thirty-one attempts to get Severus out on a date? Great! A weekly serial? Go for it! Thirty-one long plotty installments? Oh yeah! Join in, we’d love to have everyone! *a little voice whispers…come on you know you want to*

Prompts and posting begin May 1!

Note: Bold emphasis is mine.

With the end of the Lusty Month of May celebration at [info]pervy_werewolf, why not go over to a comm that's not only for the kinkiness that Remus hides for Severus, but the lovin' and lustiness that all the couples and moresomes of the Potterverse have during the month of May?


[info]pervy_werewolf Lusty Month of May is coming!

I've been chomping at the bit for the Lusty Month of may (LMoM) celebration at [info]pervy_werewolf! Please, please, please, let me write some good and grand smutty featuring Remus for thirty-one days!

Here's to another fantastic collection of Lusty Month of May offerings to while away my nights and highlight the kinkiness that Remus hides behind such an innocuous smile and a deprecating facade.

Pair Remus with any character, add some pervy-goodness and let's celebrate May!

Apr. 27th, 2012


Like your characters over 40 and mature?

LJ comm [info]older_not_dead is collecting prompts. "You can submit prompts up to the end of Friday 27th April (although in reality this will be 28th UK time to allow for time differences)."

Please check it out. At least one character has to be over 40 in the story or artwork.

Apr. 11th, 2012


LJ comm [info]hptimetravel prompting is open!

The majority of my prompts are Severus/Remus, but there are twists that might be intersting. Harry/Draco, riffs on Severus with someone other than Remus, Lucius/Narcissa, etc. A lot of prompts are under the cut. )

Let's see how changing time, manipulating it, or just showing up at a different time--past or present--changes things, eh? Drop by lj comm [info]hptimetravel and leave a prompt. You don't have to write a story to inspire one.

Apr. 9th, 2012


Crack_Broom has open reccing this month

For anyone who doesn't know, the LJ comm [info]crack_broom has opened April to any member who wants to put up one rec. They call it "Free Flying".

Pertinent info under cut. )

I've already started writing my own rec, which will be Lupin/Snape, after rereading it, of course! I'm just encouraging folks to post their favorites for some extra loving.
Tags: , ,

Mar. 22nd, 2012


HP_Alt_April Drabble-a-thon for April Fool's Day

HP_Alt_April is hosting a drabble-a-thon of pranks, jokes, tricks, etc.

All pairings, all kinds, welcome. Post Hard-R and NC17 under a cut.

Linked drabbles are welcome as long as sections are 100-105 words.

Want to make someone laugh?

Jul. 18th, 2011


Pimpage: HP Creatures' 2011 Halloween Creature Fest Prompts Available for Claiming

Spreading the love!!

HP Creatures' 2011 Halloween Creature Fest: Monster Movie Prompts

Over on LJ, HP Creatures' Monster Movie Prompts may be filled with Harry and Draco, but there are some prompts just made for Lupin and Snape...** big, broad hint, hint! **

I can see art and fic coming from the talented minds and fingers of my fellow Snupinteers! Please, check them out and see if anything catches your fancy!

Sep. 25th, 2010


Feel like your 40-or-over year-old characters are missing out? Here's a Promptathon for you!!

With [info]lore's permission, I'm passing on some info about the LJ community [info]older_not_dead's Promptathon 06 with the theme of... Colours!

From the website:

[info]older_not_dead Promptathon Challenge #06

Please reply to this post with a list of prompts for writers/artists to use in their stories/artwork.

The prompts can be:

# A fandom and a prompt, e.g. NCIS. ?/?. Dancing
# A fandom, a character and a prompt, e.g. Due South. Fraser/?. Books
# A fandom, a pairing and a prompt, e.g. The Professionals. Bodie/Doyle. Wine
# Just a prompt (i.e. suitable for any fandom/pairing) e.g. ?. ?/?. Flowers

And you can mix and match when submitting, or just submit one type.

# This is a multi-fandom, multi-pairing challenge for slash or het couples.
# Artwork (e.g. wallpaper, icons, banners, etc.) based on the prompts is perfectly acceptable
# The theme for the sixth challenge is 'Colours'. Each prompt must include a colour.
# Each half of the pair has to be 40+ in the story/artwork, i.e. it doesn't matter if they are under 40 in canon, as long as in the story they are 40 or over.
# You do not need to be a writer/intend to write a story/produce a piece of art for this challenge to submit prompts.
# You will be able to use your own prompt.
# You can submit as many or as few prompts as you wish.
# Please feel free to pimp this on your own LJ or in communities if you wish to do so.

# You can submit prompts up to the end of Tuesday 28th September 2010 (although in reality this will be 29th UK time to allow for time differences).
# Posting of stories/artwork for the Promptathon will begin on 1st October and you have the entire month of October in which to post.

Check out [info]older_not_dead Promptathon Challenge #06!