Oct. 22nd, 2008


New challenge!

Okey dokey, we've got our ducks fic challenges in a row. Wooties!

For the month of October, the challenge is to write a Halloween-ish story about Poltergeists, hauntings, or just generally scare the crap out of a character with something invisible or supernatural. Thank you, [info]motley_sis!

For November, the challenge is to write a realistic despair/psychological fist in the face + smut + hatesex, not-feminized-but-definitely-not-consensual sex, torture, a PTSD theme, drug/alcohol/casual sex, homelessness/abject poverty/having no options left, or a the-world-was-better-at-war kinda thing. I don't think that could possibly be more clear. Hee! Since lots of people are probably doing NaNoWriMo in November, I think we should just give people the whole month to write a fic so they won't feel pressured too muchly. Thank you, [info]leftminds!

For December, the challenge is to write about a Winter holiday involving complications like poisoned cookies, evil!Santas, sharp dreidels, electrocution by holiday lights or murdering snowmen from hell. You know, a typical Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/etc. Thank you, [info]theoriginal_ist!

If anyone has any ideas for challenges after that, it's never too early to suggest them. Gives people more time to write something. *nodulations*


We need a new challenge

Thankies to everyone who participated in the autocannibalism challenge a few weeks ago, either by writing a fic or by reading and commenting on someone else's, since the comments in this comm tend to slay me srsly. Hee!

There's still a week and a half until Halloween so we ought to take advantage of it and post another challenge, especially since this may be the last chance for a month with NaNo coming up. Everyone will be writing for that and ignoring this comm. Waaaaaaah!

So can anyone think of a good challenge? *makes someone come up with a good banner for the best challenge idea*

And don't forget, the icontest is still going on! I think Halloween is the cutoff for that, but you have until then to come up with a cool avatar for the comm. If no more are submitted, I think we'll just rotate the ones we have now every month or so. Sound good?